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The American media’s inhumane treatment of society is only getting worse as 2023 approaches. The 1980s are the roots of the current problem. Many of the FCC’s regulatory powers were removed, based on the belief that free markets will produce better programming. This led to an epidemic in the production of horrible programming in all areas of electronic media, including TV, radio and movies. 

His landmark book Freedom to chooseMilton Friedman, the late Milton Friedman, articulately argued that competition would thrive if markets were left open for all to enjoy and that the end-user would be the consumer. The principle of deregulation is good in theory. It encourages competition, lower prices, better choices for citizens (often referred to as consumers). However, not all deregulation is beneficial or desirable.  

What can you do to protect the airways?

In practice, deregulation works well in many cases. Deregulation by the FCC and increased competition among information and news outlets to gain market share led to an increase in violent, graphic and obscene reporting, programming and media. “artistic content” This became routine.            

Viewers and consumers began to see the similarities in the programming and products of media outlets. As a result, market share started to shrink and there was fierce competition for the entertainment and news dollar. Record producers, video game and TV network makers all tried to outdo each other, further degrading their products to the detriment to our culture.  

Caught Off Guard
Communication channels and media outlets began to decline so rapidly that parents, teachers and educators, as well as clergy and religious right, were caught off-guard. Tipper Gore’s 1987 book, Raising PG Kids In An X-Rated Society, was the only work against an industry run by entertainment conglomerates determined to make a mockery about standards of decency. Liberals and conservatives both attacked Mrs. Gore for her stance.  

Starting with legitimate political talk show, discourse levels dropped significantly. Other channels via cable and independent stations ventured further by sponsoring shows with questionable content hosted and moderated by contentious moderators. They also featured unruly and inept guests.  

Movie producers and video game developers followed their lead. Vendors made grittier, more masculine products to appeal to the youth market. Young male criminals committed crimes in society. They were one-of-a-kind copies of the media they were repeatedly exposed to.  

The Default Babysitter

The 24/7 society was born. Parents found themselves constantly under pressure. Television, which had been the default baby-sitter for decades became more explicit and exposed the American family to explicit programming. In the name of “safety,” all elements of their productions were rationalized by the purveyors. “freedom of speech” However, we are still chasing the almighty dollar.  

On all fronts, the degradation of media content did not slow down. Rap CDs fell to yet another level. Misogynists- and “cop killer”-type lyrics and outright gay bashing, the quintessential anti-politically-correct posture fueled the sales of CDs by gangsta rappers and eventually white male rapper Eminem. Entertainment and arts reviewers gave in to increasing revenues. “acknowledging” The most disgusting forms of rap you can find “artistic merit.”  

As TV networks lost market share, new programming options were created. “reality TV,” This is far from reality. Unfortunately, media deregulation didn’t result in more competition, variety, and higher quality programming. It has been quite the opposite.

The Public’s Right to Know?

Making a mockery of the First Amendment and claiming the public’s “right to know,” even once-reputable news sources have sunk to new lows, embracing violations of individuals’ privacies and even the most basic standards of decency. Although sensationalism has always been the basis of news and information programming, it is still a way to attract a lot of tired, distracted viewers.  

As the level of discourse further degrades, society’s ‘accommodation’ The media is a force of nature. It wasn’t always this way, but the masses act as if it was and always will be. Dislodging “what is” This will be an amazing feat.  

There is a small but dedicated group of responsible citizens and organisations who are vigilant. “mad as hell,” And they are applying pressures to various points within the media, news and entertainment industries. Mass movements are initiated when certain key players have achieved success. “the powers that be,” to encourage participation from the masses. Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point This is the essence of the phenomenon.

Making a difference

Reclamation won’t be pretty, swift, or absolute. Conscious people need to regain their attention, improve their intelligences, sharpen analytical skills, and reclaim the souls of others. One person can make a big difference.  

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