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James O’Keefe reveals shocking video: ‘Buy a Senator with $10k’

Independent journalist James O’Keefe has released a captivating video exposing the far-reaching influence of BlackRock Inc., a prominent investment management and financial services firm.

In this bombshell video, a journalist from the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) interviews BlackRock recruiter Serge Varlay, who reveals the company’s immense power in the global market. Varlay admits that BlackRock essentially has the ability to “run the world” due to the vast sums of money it controls. However, he also mentions that BlackRock prefers to operate under the radar, avoiding public attention.


Varlay goes on to explain that while BlackRock is a major player, it is not the only financial institution involved in such activities.

According to Varlay, these financial institutions have the power to buy politicians and control the global markets. He boldly states, “It’s not who is the president, it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators, these guys are f***ing cheap. Got 10 grand? You can buy a senator. I’ll give you 500k right now … It doesn’t matter who wins, they’re in my pocket.”

In another part of the video, Varlay discusses the financial implications of the war between Russia and Ukraine. He explains how the volatility created by such conflicts presents opportunities for profit. Varlay states, “War is real f***ing good for business. It’s exciting when s*** goes wrong, right?”

Varlay acknowledges that other financial institutions are also involved in similar activities, but emphasizes that BlackRock’s control over $20 trillion makes them an even more formidable force.

Prepare to be shocked by the revelations in this eye-opening video.

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