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Issa Calls on Biden To Suspend Funding to Gaza Charity After Free Beacon Report

$41K was donated by the State to anti-Israeli group Fares Al Arab Hamas fighters in Gaza City. / Getty Images

Rep. Darrell Issa, R. Calif., is urging the Biden Administration to stop funding an anti-Israel Gaza-based charity, and to turn over records relating to the grant. This follows a Washington Free Beacon Report that the group collaborates with terrorists.

In a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Issa raised concerns about the $41,000 State Department grant. “was made despite repeated inflammatory remarks on the international stage, and confirmed allegations of repeated, long-standing ties to Hamas.”

The letter arrives days after the Free Beacon reported In September, the State Department provided funding to Fares Al-Arab (a Gaza-based charity) to fund an English-language training course for Palestinian journalists.

Fares al-Arab collaborated with the Hamas government in a housing project. A media award was also given by the charity to an Islamic Jihad Movement-run radio network. It honored a self-described journalist, who belonged the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The event featured a spokesman for Islamic Jihad and co-led a course on human rights with a convicted terrorist. Free Beacon first reported. This group also attacked Israel, calling it an “anabolic dictatorship”. “apartheid” regime supports boycotting the Jewish state and has signed on to a petition calling on the United Nations. “uncover the terrorist face” Israel

Fares Al-Arab said the Free Beacon Its work with terrorists is history and it will not repeat that. “the group’s views on Israel will not be a part of the media training program.”

In a letter to Blinken, Issa stated that the group was being held. “has previously been noted to maintain historical ties and ‘bilateral relations’ with Hamas,” This is “designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization” under U.S. law.

This designation raises questions about the legitimacy of the group, according to the congressman. “would have been eligible for the grant.”

“This award must immediately be suspended pending a full and thorough review of these accusations,” He concluded.

Issa asked for clarification from the State Department. “knew the history of the group’s ties to terrorism” “why the grant was provided if the history was known.”

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