Islamic extremist group claims responsibility for the killing of Israeli-Canadian businessman in retaliation for Gaza

An Israeli-Canadian businessman was murdered in Egypt. The attack, claimed by a previously unknown terrorist group, was captured ‍on video and widely shared on social media.⁤ The incident, which began as a robbery, has sparked investigations by Egyptian authorities and reports suggest an‍ antisemitic motive behind the killing. The victim, Ziv Kipper, was the ​CEO of OK Group LLC, with offices in Israel and Ukraine.


By Jack Davis May 9, 2024 at 8:32am

An Israeli businessman who also held Canadian citizenship has been murdered in Egypt.

Some media accounts said that a terrorist group that had been previously unknown claimed credit for the attack, video of which was widely shared on social media. There were also reports the incident began as a robbery.

The Times of Israel reported that Egyptian authorities had taken a man into custody.

Ziv Kipper was shot to death Tuesday in Alexandria.

His widow, Oksana Kipper, said she was told the attack took place because her husband was Jewish.

“He wasn’t robbed,” she said.

Israeli-Canadian businessman murdered in Egypt in apparent antisemitic attack

— The Globe and Mail (@globeandmail) May 8, 2024

Reuters reported that an Egyptian security source claimed the incident was a robbery, not a terrorist attack.

Is Islamic terrorism a major threat to Western civilization?

Egypt has launched a criminal investigation into the shooting, the BBC reported.

Kipper was the CEO of the Egypt-based OK Group LLC, which exports frozen fruits and vegetables, according to the Times. The company has offices in Israel and Ukraine.

A post on Telegram from a group calling itself the Vanguard of Liberation Group for Martyr Mohamed Salah said it killed Kipper because he was a Mossad agent, according to The Jerusalem Post.

“Wait for the next,” the group said in a statement. “Shalom from the children of Gaza.”

Reuters reported that Egyptian security sources said they had nothing to share about the group.

Kipper’s death was “a step on the path of the Egyptian people’s struggle against the Zionist enemy,” the group said, according to the Times.

A group calling itself “Vanguards of Liberation – Martyr Mohammed Salah Groups” claims it murdered an Israeli “agent” in Egypt today.
Mohammed Saleh was an Egyptian police officer who murdered three IDF soldiers near the Israel-Egypt border in June 2023.

— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) May 7, 2024

Mohammed Salah Ibrahim killed three Israel Defense Forces soldiers in a June 2023 attack along the Egyptian border.

Global Affairs Canada said that it was “aware of the reports of the death of a Canadian Citizen in Egypt,” according to the Post.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.

Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at [email protected].


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