The bongino report

Is Joe Manchin Running for President?

Now that President Joe Biden has given his State of the Union address he is expected to announce his plans to run for reelection. Despite the fact that he may not run as a Democrat but is still generating buzz, there’s another possible candidate. On Tuesday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D–WV) sparked more talk about a possible run.

Robert Costa directly asked Manchin if he is a Semafor member while Manchin was on the forum. “considering a 2024 presidential bid,” During which, the senator answered with something that resembled a politician’s response. 

“Bob, in all seriousness, the only thing I’m considered with is what can I do to bring the country together,” He offered his opinion, but did not give a yes’ or ‘no’ answer. “I don’t know what–I don’t know what the next chapter will be, I don’t know what the future lies, I really don’t, but I can tell you one thing, I feel like most Americans, we got to come together.” 

Manchin continued to pitch his pitch. “Americans want to be united, Americans want to be together, and right now we’re going further apart.” He offered “you can’t look at the other side and say ‘it’s always their fault,'” Also, be sure to mention “now if they want to go down and play that, then the people are basically going to be looking for something, or somebody.”

Manchin was just about to offer himself up, it seemed. “somebody,” He explained “I’m not saying whether that’s me, or somebody else, or whether that could be so many people that have tried to work in the middle.”

Manchin was even more forceful in his condemnation of partisanship, particularly when it comes down to the people “who have been forced to take a side,” Who “are pretty moderate, centrist people, but they gotta play the game on the far-right or maybe go to the base of the far-left, thinking that’s where their support’s gonna come from.”

The senator who represents one the most conservative states in America made it clear that he doesn’t agree with the idea of a federal government. “never thought that, and I’ve never played that, and there’s a lotta people like me, I think, that’ll come to that middle and if we can bring them together and find out if there’s a need, we’ll just see.” Manchin did indeed add, as telling as this tease may sound “I think there’s a lot of different players in the game, I really do.”

A Tuesday afternoon summary of Manchin’s remarks by Alexander Bolton, The Hill Also highlighted Another caveat comes from the senator “I’m not saying I have any aspirations” He stated that he was running for president. “I’ve been [in Washington] 12 years. I don’t like what I see,” His goal is to bring people together. “I don’t the direction we’re going and I’m going to work and commit myself to try to get people who want to do the right thing to find the pathway forward, bringing the country back together.” 

During an interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” last month, Manchin told host Chuck Todd that “All options are on the table,” he replied to questions about his future political goals. He did not say which party he would run for. 

The senator Last week’s news His cooperation with his Republican colleagues. He’s been a conservative Democrat since childhood, but his involvement with the 118th congress is a pivotal moment. The deal he struck with Democratic leadership to support the passage of the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.” Manchin voted against the unnamed bill. He acknowledged it It wouldn’t do much to fix inflation. He was unable to obtain He was given in exchange the passing of permit reforms. 

Manchin may also be running for reelection to the office in 2024. In a year, Republicans are particularly pleased with the Senate map. Manchin, Only by The Democrats may have only hope of retaining the seat by holding on to it with just 3 points in 2018, which was a blue wave. Mostly Republican It is West Virginians’ way of expressing gratitude. Have given Biden has the lowest approval rating of any state. 

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