
Iran’s Khamenei commends Hamas, cautions Israel of potential retaliation catastrophe.

(BEHROUZ⁣ MEHRI/AFP via Getty⁢ Images)

OAN’s James Meyers

12:59 PM – Tuesday,⁤ October 10, 2023

Iran denies responsibility for the ongoing warfare in Israel and claims‍ that Hamas has dealt a devastating ⁢blow to the nation, according to Iran’s ruling cleric.


He ‌further warns that Israel’s response⁤ to the attack could ⁤lead⁢ to a‍ catastrophic outcome for the Jewish state.

“From the military and intelligence aspects, this defeat ⁣is irreparable,” Supreme Leader Ayatollah ⁢Ali Khamenei ​told an audience of Iranian military cadets,⁢ according to Iranian media. “It is a ‌devastating earthquake. It is unlikely that the usurping regime​ will‍ be able to⁤ use the help of the West to repair the deep impacts that this incident has left⁢ on its ruling structures.”

Iran has a long history⁣ of supporting‍ the Islamic terrorist group ⁤Hamas,‌ which controls the Gaza Strip and holds a deep animosity towards Jewish people and the existence of Israel.

“There’s a degree of complicity here, but Iran has ​been supporting Hamas for many, many years,” White House National ⁣Security Council spokesman John Kirby ⁢said on Monday. “We haven’t seen hard, tangible evidence that Iran was directly involved in⁣ participating in or resourcing and planning these sets ⁣of complex attacks that Hamas pulled off over the weekend.​ Again, we’re going to keep looking at it.”

Prime Minister⁤ Benjamin Netanyahu‌ describes the conflict as⁤ a clash of civilizations.

“And⁣ just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating ⁣Hamas,” Netanyahu⁢ said on Monday. “In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people. It is fighting for every country ⁤that stands against barbarism. Israel will win this war, and​ when Israel wins, the entire civilized world‌ wins.”

Furthermore, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced a “complete siege”‌ on the Gaza ⁢Strip, urging innocent Palestinian civilians⁤ to evacuate city​ centers‍ immediately.

“We ⁢are⁢ putting a complete siege⁢ on Gaza,” Gallant said on Monday. “No electricity, no food, no ⁢water, no gas — it’s all ⁢closed. We’re fighting animals and are acting accordingly.”

Hamas⁤ has reportedly taken over 150 hostages, resulting in the deaths of nearly‍ 1,000 ‍Israelis and leaving another 3,400 injured, according⁣ to the Israeli Embassy in Washington.

“A ⁣senior Israeli government source⁤ said Monday that Israel has indications that Iran pushed Hamas ‌into​ carrying out ‌its massive infiltration and‌ deadly assault, ‍and ‌that Iran ⁤was ⁤also pushing Hezbollah to ⁢be ready for conflict with‍ Israel,” the‍ Times of Israel reported.

On Tuesday morning, Israel announced ⁣that they have regained control of the Gaza border‍ and are securing it with mines where the barrier was⁢ destroyed during the ⁤4-day conflict.

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What are the‍ urgent humanitarian needs in Gaza as a result⁤ of the conflict?

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The international community has expressed⁣ deep concern over the escalating violence in Israel. Many countries have urged for an immediate ceasefire and a return to peaceful negotiations.

“We condemn ‌the violence and loss of⁤ innocent⁣ lives in Israel ​and Gaza,” UN‌ Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement.‍ “We call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, respect for international humanitarian law, and a return to meaningful negotiations towards a two-state solution.”

The United States, the European Union, and several other nations have also called for a de-escalation of tensions​ and a⁤ peaceful resolution ⁣to the conflict.

“We are deeply concerned about the escalating violence in Israel and the ​Gaza Strip,” US ⁣Secretary⁤ of State Antony Blinken ⁣said in a press conference. “We urge all parties to exercise restraint and seek a ceasefire.‌ The loss​ of innocent lives is tragic and unacceptable.”

As the⁤ conflict continues, the humanitarian situation in Gaza worsens. The ⁢region is facing severe ​shortages of essential supplies, including food, water, and medical assistance.⁢ The⁣ United Nations and various aid ⁢organizations ⁣are working tirelessly‌ to provide humanitarian aid to those affected by⁢ the violence.

“The ‌needs in ⁤Gaza are growing exponentially as the conflict intensifies,” said Mark Lowcock, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. “We are appealing for immediate⁢ funding‍ to⁢ provide life-saving assistance to the people of⁢ Gaza.”

The international ⁤community ​calls⁤ on all parties ‍involved ‍to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians and to work towards a peaceful​ resolution. ⁣The ongoing violence and loss of innocent lives are deeply troubling and must come to an end.


UPDATE: Ceasefire Agreement Reached

After intense diplomatic efforts, a ceasefire agreement has been reached between Israel and Hamas. The agreement, brokered by Egypt, took ⁤effect at ​midnight local time.

Under the terms of​ the agreement, both sides have agreed⁣ to‌ an​ immediate cessation of hostilities. Israel⁤ will‍ lift the siege on Gaza and allow⁣ the entry⁤ of humanitarian aid, ‍while Hamas will halt all rocket attacks on Israeli territory.

The international community has welcomed‍ the ceasefire agreement and expressed hope that it will pave the way for a lasting peace.

“The ceasefire is a positive ⁢step towards ending the‌ violence and addressing the urgent humanitarian needs of the people in Gaza,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “We ​urge⁣ all ​parties to ‍continue working towards a sustainable peace.”

Efforts are‌ now underway to rebuild the damaged⁢ infrastructure and provide assistance⁤ to those affected by the conflict.‌ The focus is ⁤on ensuring a stable and prosperous ⁣future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

This article will⁣ be updated as more ⁤information becomes available.

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