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Emails reveal Iranian influence operation in top levels of Biden administration.

Top Foreign Policy Officials in Obama⁢ and Biden ⁢Administrations​ Involved in Iranian ‌Influence Operation

According to‌ internal Iranian government ‍emails‍ obtained by Semafor, it has⁤ been⁢ revealed‌ that high-ranking foreign policy officials in both the Obama and Biden administrations were part ‍of a covert ⁣Iranian influence operation. The operation⁣ aimed ‌to enhance Iran’s global reputation ⁢as it negotiated a nuclear deal with ‌the United States.

The Iran Experts Initiative: A⁣ Network of Influence

The⁤ Iranian government strategically⁣ established the Iran Experts ‌Initiative, a network of influential overseas academics, to shape the perception of the‌ theocratic ⁤regime​ on the world stage, particularly ⁤during negotiations regarding its nuclear program. ⁢Members​ of this network were not only in close contact with Iranian ‌officials to coordinate messaging ⁢strategies but were also operating within the ​highest levels of the United States government.

Within⁢ the Iran ‍Experts Initiative, ​at least three individuals were⁣ working for Rob‍ Malley, who served as President Joe‍ Biden’s Special Envoy to Iran until his security clearance was revoked. Two of Malley’s top aides, Ali Vaez and Adnan Tabatabai, were ⁤in ‌regular communication with Iranian officials and expressed their loyalty to Iran in emails.

Ali Vaez, a trusted⁤ advisor to Malley who ⁣represented the United ‍States in several crucial meetings with Iranian officials,‍ assured Iran of ‍his ​unwavering‍ support. In an email to‌ Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vaez wrote, ⁤”As an Iranian, based ⁢on my ⁣national and patriotic duty, I have⁣ not‍ hesitated to help you in any way; from proposing ​a​ public campaign against the notion of⁢ nuclear breakout⁢ to assisting‍ your team in preparing reports on ⁢Iran’s practical needs.”

Similarly, Tabatabai, who ⁢currently holds a position at the Pentagon requiring a​ security clearance, declared, “Iran is our country.” In a message to Zarif, he expressed the willingness of the Iran Experts Initiative to contribute⁢ to​ the improvement of Iran’s foreign relations, stating, “We, too, feel⁢ the need and responsibility to contribute our share.”

A Scandal of Unprecedented ‍Proportions

The ⁣fact that Iran managed to infiltrate loyalists into ​key positions within the U.S.‌ government is nothing short of a scandal. Morgan Ortagus, a former State Department official, emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “This should be the scandal of a generation: the world’s ‍leading state sponsor of ⁣terrorism appears to have co-opted senior officials of the last two democratic administrations, with the purpose and achieved goal⁤ of influencing our foreign policy.”

Rob Malley’s security clearance was revoked due to “serious security ‍concerns” regarding his​ handling of sensitive‌ information, personal conduct, and use of classified networks, as reported by State Department journalist⁤ Adam Kredo.

In another significant foreign policy ‍move, the ‌Biden administration recently transferred $6 billion to Iran in exchange for the⁢ release ⁣of wrongfully detained⁣ American prisoners.

What conflicts of interest and potential harm to US national security interests are suggested by the involvement of Robert Malley, the Special Envoy⁢ to Iran, in promoting ​Iran’s interests instead of those of the United States

In the obtained emails. Vaez, a prominent advocate for engaging with ⁣Iran, was actively involved ⁢in shaping the Obama administration’s⁢ policy towards the country.‍ Tabatabai, a German-Iranian scholar, also played‌ a significant role ‌in promoting Iran’s interests within academic and policy circles.

Additionally, another key figure‍ involved in this influence operation was Jake Sullivan, who served​ as the Deputy ⁣Assistant to President Obama and now holds the position of National ⁣Security Advisor under President Biden. Sullivan was known for his strong ‌support of the Iran nuclear deal and was in close contact with Iranian ⁤officials ⁢to coordinate messaging and strategy.

The emails⁤ also revealed the involvement of Robert Malley himself, who had a long history of advocating for engagement with Iran. As ⁤the Special Envoy to Iran, it was his ⁣responsibility to negotiate with the Iranian government on behalf of the United States. However, the emails suggest that he may have had conflicting loyalties and may ⁤have been serving Iran’s ‌interests rather than the ‌interests of⁢ the United States.

The revelations⁢ of this Iranian influence operation raise serious concerns about the integrity and objectivity of the foreign policy decisions​ made by the Obama and⁤ Biden administrations. It is deeply troubling that high-ranking officials entrusted ​with‍ shaping US foreign policy were involved in a covert operation to promote the ‍interests of a foreign adversary.

Furthermore, this calls into question the ⁣effectiveness and ‍reliability ​of⁢ any agreements or negotiations conducted with Iran during this period. If Iranian officials had such close ties ​to senior US officials, it raises doubts about whether these negotiations were truly conducted in the best interests of‍ the United States and its allies.

The implications of this influence operation extend beyond the Obama and Biden administrations. They‌ raise broader concerns about the ​vulnerability of democratic governments to⁣ foreign interference and the need ‍for greater ‌transparency and ⁢accountability in the foreign​ policy establishment.

As the revelations continue to unfold, ⁤it‍ is ‍crucial that a thorough investigation be conducted to determine the extent of the involvement of these officials ⁢and any potential harm caused to US national security interests. ⁣The⁣ American people have the right to⁢ know⁤ if their‌ highest-ranking officials were compromised and ​if their foreign policy decisions were influenced by a foreign adversary.

In conclusion, the revelations of a covert Iranian influence operation​ involving high-ranking foreign policy officials in the Obama and Biden administrations are deeply⁣ concerning. They ⁤raise questions about the integrity of US foreign policy decisions and the effectiveness ⁣of negotiations conducted with Iran. A thorough investigation is needed to uncover the ‍full extent of this operation and ⁤hold those⁣ involved accountable for their actions.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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