the federalist

Internal Memo Shows Biden Admin Wanted To Ban Gas Stoves Before Public Backlash

Biden claimed the necessity to ban gas stoves “reached a boiling point” Before things got heated.

Richard Trumka Jr. (a Biden appointee) to the Consumer Product Safety Commission was in hot water when he spoke out to Bloomberg News. “any option is on the table” regarding gas stove regulation.

“Products that can’t be safe can be banned,” Trumka spoke.

This comment is based on the left-wing myth that gas stoves are the primary cause of respiratory problems due to indoor emissions. However, such claims are not based in science but rather radical climate activism.

After the White House’s public outcry, corporate outlets attempted to downplay this threat by attempting to downplay it.

“The president does not support banning gas stoves,” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said. “And the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves. I just want to be very clear on that.”

“No, Biden Is Not Trying to Ban Gas Stoves,” Read a headline that the New York Times changed later to “Ban Gas Stoves? Just the Idea Gets Some in Washington Boiling.”

Another outlet framed conservatives to be the aggressors despite the fact that nearly 100 cities already ban the gas appliance. Washington Examiner reports that similar regulations are being considered by 20 more states.

“Republicans turn up the heat on a new culture war target: gas stoves,” Read a Guardian headline.

“What the right’s gas stove freakout was really about,” Another version of this article is available at Politico.

The legacy network of fact-checkers got into full gear. Snopes and Associated Press both rated claims that the Biden administration was targeting Americans’ gas stoves as false. “false.”

Alex Hoehn – Saric, chair of Consumer Product Safety Commission, tried to minimize the administration’s possible ban on gas stoves after Trumka’s controversial comments.

“I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so,” Hoehn Saric made the statement in a statement.

Fox News released a memo in February showing that federal regulators were more serious in their efforts to ban the gas-burning appliance.

“The need for gas stove regulation has reached a boiling point,” Trumka wrote the October memo. “CPSC has the responsibility to ban consumer products that emit hazardous substances, particularly, when those emissions harm children, under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.”

“There is sufficient information available for CPSC to issue an NPR in FY 2023 proposing to ban gas stoves in homes,” He concluded. “The additional work needed to complete an NPR is primarily economic; the available health and scientific evidence on illnesses caused by the relevant gasses at the concentrations present in homes with gas stoves already exists.”

However, emissions from cooking food are 11 times greater than those generated by gas stoves. Study that claims to prove dangerous levels of emissions from gas stoves examined air pollutants in enclosed spaces with no ventilation.

“From Internal Memo reveals Biden Admin wanted to ban gas stoves before public backlash

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