Washington Examiner

Instagram to ban DMs from strangers to teens amid Big Tech scrutiny

Meta Implements New Security‍ Measures to Protect Teenagers on ⁣Social Media

Meta, the ⁢parent‍ company of ⁢Facebook​ and Instagram, has announced a policy change aimed at enhancing the safety of younger users on its ‌platforms. In⁣ response to concerns raised by lawmakers ‍and parents regarding ​teenage mental health, Meta has decided to modify its security settings.

Under the new policy, users aged 18 or younger will no longer receive private ​messages⁢ from strangers​ by default. Additionally, teenagers aged 16 or younger ⁢will no longer be ⁣able to ⁣receive ​messages or join group chats on Instagram from​ users they don’t know.​ These changes are part of Meta’s ongoing efforts to provide increased protection for younger users and address the growing‌ scrutiny faced by social media ⁤platforms.

Enhanced Protection for Teens

“We’re taking additional ​steps to⁤ help protect⁢ teens ⁤from unwanted‌ contact ⁢by turning off⁣ their ability ‌to receive ⁤messages from anyone they don’t follow or ‌aren’t connected to, by default,” Meta⁣ stated in a blog‍ post.

If a teenage‌ user ‍wishes to communicate with someone they don’t already follow or modify⁢ these ⁢settings, they‌ will need parental approval through Meta’s parental⁣ supervision tools.

These new ‍features⁣ build upon the‌ parental controls introduced by the platform earlier ⁣this ⁣year. Users aged 16 or under ⁣will be subject⁢ to the Sensitive Content Control setting on Instagram ⁤and the Reduce setting on Facebook.⁤ These settings will prevent young users from accessing or searching for content deemed⁢ harmful to them. For instance, if⁤ a ‌friend​ posts something related to dieting, it will⁢ be hidden from all adolescent users.

According to a study conducted by parental control software developer Qustodio, teenagers aged ⁣18 and ⁤younger spent an average of 65 ‍minutes per day on Instagram ⁤in 2023. ⁢Therefore, this policy update is⁣ expected⁤ to significantly impact the amount of⁤ time teenagers spend on social media.

The announcement of these security measures comes just days before Meta⁢ CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other Big Tech CEOs ⁣are scheduled to appear ⁣before⁣ the Senate ⁣Judiciary Committee to⁢ discuss their approach​ to teenagers on their platforms.

Meta has​ faced legal challenges regarding ‌its impact on teenagers, with over 40 states suing the company in​ October. These lawsuits allege that ‍Meta ‍concealed the extent of ​harm caused to teenagers through the ⁣promotion⁣ of addictive behavior⁢ and harmful⁢ content. Furthermore, New Mexico filed a separate suit in December, accusing Meta of facilitating a “marketplace ⁢of predators” ​and failing to adequately⁢ address the sale of child sexual abuse material.

Several states ⁣have attempted to ‍restrict teenage access ‌to ‌social media by implementing age verification ‍laws. However, tech advocacy group NetChoice​ has filed lawsuits against these laws ⁤in⁤ California, Arkansas, Ohio, and Utah, obtaining preliminary holds​ in all ‍four states.

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How is Meta collaborating with lawmakers, researchers, and advocacy‍ groups to better safeguard young users

Follow or​ aren’t connected to, they will⁢ have the option to ⁣manually ​change their settings and enable message receiving. However, this feature⁣ will ‌be disabled by ⁢default ‍to ensure⁣ that ‌teenagers are⁤ not⁤ exposed⁣ to potentially ⁣harmful content or individuals.

In addition to these ‍changes, Meta will⁣ implement ​stronger measures ⁣to detect and‌ remove suspicious accounts that may pose as teenagers in order to‍ bypass these security‌ settings. This‍ is ‌to prevent any ​potential cases⁤ of online grooming or exploitation. The company‌ has acknowledged ⁣the importance of identifying ‍and removing such accounts ⁣promptly to ⁣ensure the safety of ​young users.

Protecting⁢ Mental Health

Concerns over ​the​ impact of social media on teenage mental health ⁣have been growing ‌in⁣ recent ‍years.⁤ Studies have shown correlations between excessive social media use and ⁢increased rates of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem among⁣ teenagers.⁤ Meta’s decision to ⁤enhance security ​features is a step towards⁤ addressing these ⁣concerns and creating a safer online environment for young users.

Furthermore, Meta will introduce ⁢new features to promote positive well-being and ‌mental health among teenagers. ‌These features‌ will​ include prompts‍ to take ‍breaks from ‍using social⁣ media and options to manage time spent on the platforms. By encouraging healthier habits and self-regulation, Meta aims to mitigate ⁢the potential negative⁣ impact of social media on teenagers’​ mental well-being.

The company ⁤is also working on developing tools that will‍ allow ⁢parents to‍ have more control ⁣over their ⁣children’s online ⁣activities. ⁣This includes features that enable parents to set limits on​ screen time, monitor their children’s interactions, and receive notifications about suspicious or concerning content.⁣ These tools aim to provide parents with the necessary resources to protect ‌their children ‌and foster⁢ responsible​ online behavior.

A⁢ Collaborative Effort

Meta recognizes that protecting teenagers on social media requires collaboration ‌among various stakeholders. In addition‌ to implementing new security measures, the company is actively working with lawmakers,‍ researchers, and advocacy groups to⁤ gain insights and feedback ⁣on ⁤how to better safeguard young users.

Moreover, Meta ​is⁣ committed to providing⁤ educational resources and promoting digital literacy. By​ partnering with organizations⁣ dedicated to promoting online ⁢safety, the company⁢ aims to educate teenagers⁤ and their parents about potential ⁣risks and how‌ to navigate social ​media ⁢responsibly.

Meta’s recent policy change and commitment to ongoing improvements demonstrate its⁢ dedication to ensuring the well-being⁣ and safety of⁢ teenagers ⁣using its‍ platforms. As concerns ‌surrounding teenage mental health and online safety continue to⁣ grow, it is ⁣imperative ⁤for social ​media companies to take proactive steps towards addressing these issues and providing a secure online environment for⁢ all users,‍ especially the younger ones.

By ‍implementing stronger security measures, promoting positive mental health practices, and fostering ‌collaboration ⁣with ​stakeholders, Meta sets an⁤ example for other social media platforms to prioritize⁢ the safety​ and ​well-being of teenagers.

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