the epoch times

Ranchers lose independence as corporations dominate food supply.

Kansas ‍cattle rancher Kyle Hemmert ⁤watches⁢ the decline of ⁢cattle farmers in Ireland and the⁢ Netherlands and‍ sees the future for‍ himself and his fellow ‍ranchers.

“What’s happening in the beef industry is the same​ thing that’s happened in the sheep industry,” Mr. Hemmert told The Epoch Times. “America peaked at 51 million sheep; ‌today, we have less than 5 million.

“I’m seeing ‌empty pastures in my area,” he⁤ said. “People ⁤said ‘to hell with it.’”

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Bill Bullard, CEO of R-CALF USA,⁢ spoke to The Epoch Times about the issue.

“The cattle industry is the last⁣ frontier;‍ it’s the last segment of the ‌livestock‍ industry that still ⁢has a sufficient level of competition to sustain independent producers,”‍ Mr. Bullard said.

With about ⁤5,000‍ members, R-CALF represents independent cattle‌ ranchers and‌ is fighting to preserve their independence. ⁢But they are facing off against a group ‌of only four major buyers for their cows, new federal ⁢initiatives that favor the large⁣ packing companies,‍ and climate ​activism​ that claims cows emit too ​many greenhouse gasses and must ‍have their numbers reduced.

“The model that they have applied, first to the poultry industry and now to ⁣the hog industry, has been extremely ⁤successful for the multinational meat packers that ⁢want ​to vertically integrate the entire ⁢industry,” Mr. Bullard‌ said, “and ​that​ vertical integration kills competition.”

The cash markets that once existed ⁤between buyers and⁣ sellers in these industries​ are⁤ largely ‍gone, with​ farmers‌ becoming ⁢either​ employees or working ⁣under ⁤contract to packing companies.

“Now, if you want to produce hogs, you do so by invitation⁣ from an integrator⁣ because you have a contract to produce hogs,” Mr.⁢ Bullard said. “They’re applying ⁢that, unfortunately, very successful model to the cattle industry right​ now.”

Rep. Harriet‌ Hageman​ (R-Wyo.) has also commented on the issue.

“That’s⁤ the example ‍of vertical ‍integration ‌that’s already happened in large part with our⁤ pork producers and ‌our poultry producers,” ‌Ms.⁤ Hageman told The Epoch Times. “And they want to do exactly the ​same thing with our ranches. They want to basically make ‌our⁣ ranchers‍ nothing​ but paid employees, and the ⁣ranches and the real⁢ property would ⁣be owned by the big⁣ packers.”

South Dakota‌ rancher ⁢Brett Kenzy told The Epoch Times that the‌ American rancher is a remnant ⁣of a “self-reliant, independent, entrepreneurial, hardworking, religious, multigenerational person that used to ⁣be very commonplace.”

Ranchers now worry‌ that having so much of the country’s ‍meat production under ‌the control of a handful of corporations will ⁢drive many ‌farmers out of business and leave Americans at the mercy ⁢of a few ​global⁣ players.

The Miracle of Cows

“The miracle of the cow ⁢is the fact that she has four chambers in her stomach, and she can‍ eat grass, which ⁤is carbohydrate,‍ and create ⁣protein,” Mr. Kenzy said.⁤ “They’re⁤ the only animal on earth that can do it that efficiently.

“Beef is the⁣ most⁤ well-balanced source⁣ for human beings in terms ⁢of vitamins, ‌minerals and protein,” he‌ said, “but ‍that four-chambered stomach, as they’re running it through, they ⁢belch ‍methane.”

These methane emissions have put cows directly in the crosshairs of ‌climate activists. Many of the corporations that ⁣control food markets have joined net-zero clubs like Climate​ Action 100+, which pledge to slash ‍greenhouse gas emissions for themselves and their suppliers.

“Rather than just killing off the cattle all at once,‍ this is⁢ going to be a controlled implosion ‌of⁣ the beef industry,” Mr. Kenzy​ said. “I​ think the‍ end ⁢goal is ultimately controlling the food supply.”

Cattle ranchers ‍“went ‍through a period⁣ from 2015 to 2021 ⁤where they could⁤ not recover their cost ​of production,” Mr.‍ Bullard said. “We’ve‍ seen segments ⁤of our industry literally drop like⁤ flies.”

“Just four decades ago,‍ we had about⁢ 1.3 million independent cattle farmers and ranchers that⁣ were maintaining mother cow herds and raising calves each year,” ⁢Mr. Bullard said. “Due to economic costs, price squeezes, a lack of ⁤profitability, and a lack of⁢ competition [among buyers], we wiped out 43 percent of them.”

American households have experienced this phenomenon in⁣ the form of escalating prices for‍ beef. The average price⁢ that⁤ American consumers paid for beef increased from $3.89 per pound​ in January 2020 ⁤to $5.10 per pound as of‍ July⁢ 2023, according to the Federal Reserve.

“The fact that cattle producers‍ were receiving⁣ seriously depressed prices for the cattle, at the ⁢same time that consumers were ‌paying super inflated ⁣prices ‌for beef in ⁤the ​grocery store, that prompted us⁤ to file a national class​ action suit‍ against the largest four packers that control 85 ⁤percent of the fed⁢ cattle market,”⁣ Mr. Bullard said.

It is only recently that ⁢these price increases made their way through to the ‌ranchers that ⁢remained in business.

“This year‌ is going to be ‍profitable ⁣for the cow-calf​ man, but for ‌the last six, seven years there has not been ​profit,”‍ Mr. Hemmert said. “When there’s not​ profit, it signals to the industry to ⁤cut back, quit producing, and there’s been a lot of cow herds that have been sold.”

“It took ‍decimation of the cow-calf industry to make us profitable again,” he said. ‍“That’s kind of sad, right?”

The Problem With Cows

The United Nations Food ​and Agricultural‍ Organization‌ asserts that emissions from livestock ⁤farms are about seven gigatons⁤ of carbon dioxide‍ per year, or about ⁢15 percent of all human-induced greenhouse⁤ gas emissions​ (pdf).

“Beef and cattle‍ milk production account for the ‍majority of emissions, respectively contributing 41 ​and 20 percent of the sector’s‍ emissions,” the U.N. states.

The solution proposed by climate activists is to reduce the production of beef, with a​ target​ of⁣ 30 ‍percent reduction in​ cattle herds. Countries like⁢ Ireland and the Netherlands have already attempted to introduce laws‌ and regulations to cut herds.

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency released a 13-year, 25-billion-euro plan ​in December​ 2021 to reduce ​emissions‍ by 50 percent by 2030. The plan would cut the country’s cattle, pig, and chicken population by⁤ 30 percent through voluntary buy-outs or, if necessary, expropriations⁤ by the state of ⁢about 3,000 farms.

In May, the European Union‍ green-lit a Dutch plan to spend $1.6 billion to purchase or seize Dutch farmers’ land. This policy led to ‍mass farmer protests under slogans like “No Farmers, No Food.”

In the United States, however, targets to reduce livestock emissions are being set not ‌by ​government ‍fiat ‍but⁤ by a handful of corporate food ⁤producers.

In June 2021, Tyson Foods announced that it ⁣was ‌“the first U.S.-based​ protein company to have an‌ emissions reduction target approved by the Science Based Targets initiative ‍ (SBTi).”

Tyson is one of the four dominant packing companies in the‍ beef industry; the⁣ other three are Minnesota-based Cargill, ⁤and Brazilian-based JBS Foods and‍ Marfrig. Together these four companies⁣ process ‌about 85 percent of all beef‌ in​ the United States.

And it is ⁤not just the ⁤packing oligopoly that ‍is expanding its control⁢ into the ranching industry. A⁣ similar consolidation and ⁣vertical integration is ​happening within global grocery chains as ​well.

“Walmart has gone out ⁣and bought enormous ranches,” Ms. Hageman⁣ said. “They’re ⁤raising their own cattle, they’re processing it,‍ and they’re ‌selling it in their stores.”

‘Rich Countries Must Cut Meat Consumption’

The North ⁣American Meat Institute, whose members include meat packing companies that account for more than 95 percent of America’s ⁣meat and⁣ poultry products, launched ⁢its Protein PACT Academic Advisory Council ‍ in June, which works‍ with‍ its members “in setting greenhouse gas reduction ⁤targets to be⁣ approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.”

The SBTi, ⁣in partnership⁣ with organizations like the United Nations Global Compact ⁢and ⁤the World Wildlife Fund,‍ pledges to “lead the way to a​ zero-carbon economy, ​boost innovation and drive sustainable‌ growth by⁢ setting ⁣ambitious, science-based emissions reduction targets.” Calling itself the “global body enabling businesses to​ set emissions reduction targets in line with science,” the SBTi states‌ that ​“companies ⁢in the forest, land and‌ agriculture sectors will ⁣reduce at ​least 72% of​ emissions by no⁣ later than 2050.”

Tyson⁣ foods ‍stated in its ​2021 Sustainability Report that ⁣it had a “Science Based Target”⁢ of achieving a 30 ⁣percent reduction‍ in greenhouse gas emissions by⁤ 2030, and that addressing⁣ beef production would be key.

Despite the fact⁣ that greenhouse ​has emissions are a global phenomenon, emissions reduction plans⁢ typically⁤ focus on western countries. A 2022 ‍report by stated ⁤that in order to meet climate-change targets,​ “rich countries must cut meat consumption ⁣by​ at least⁢ 75%.”

A 2018 study published in ⁣Nature (pdf) ‍claimed that⁣ beef consumption in western countries‍ would need to decrease by 90⁣ percent.

As ⁢cows become a prime target for climate activists, it is perhaps not coincidental that cattle ranchers‍ are also the last livestock farmers who have not ‌already ‍been absorbed ‌by global food conglomerates.

“Cattle is the single‌ largest segment of American agriculture; it sets itself ‌apart from the hog and poultry industries,” ⁣Mr. ⁤Bullard said. “The‍ hog and‍ poultry industry are primarily⁢ controlled by multinational meatpacking conglomerates, and they have the ability‍ to defend their interests, unlike ⁣the disaggregated independent family ‍farmers and ​ranchers scattered across ‌the country.

“They simply ‍don’t ⁢have the⁣ resources ⁢to fight back,” ‍he said. “What the climate change⁣ folks‍ have done is⁤ pick the low-hanging fruit, and‌ that’s the⁢ U.S. cattle industry.”

Global⁣ Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

Like with other segments of the world’s economy, the environmental social and governance (ESG) ⁤movement has made its way into ⁢food ⁢production ​as ​well. One of the key organizations in ⁢this effort ⁢is the ⁢Global Roundtable for⁢ Sustainable Beef (GRSB).

The GRSB is an international organization with representatives from 24 countries, whose mission is ‍“the‍ advancement of sustainability in the⁣ global ⁤beef value chain.” Its members include⁤ three of the four ⁣dominant meat​ packers: Tyson Foods, JBS,‍ and Cargill.

In 2021, ‌the GRSB announced its commitment⁣ to “reduce the net ⁢global⁣ warming impact of beef​ 30% by ⁤2030 through global ⁢sustainability goals.”

“The Global Roundtable‍ for ⁣Sustainable Beef is perpetuating this globalism, where the⁤ standards are being set, ​not in the United States, but globally,” Mr. Bullard said. “They are dictating standards to⁣ producers, and they are able to enforce ‍those standards by li

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