the epoch times

Amid Israel-Hamas conflict, Orthodox Jews and Muslims stand together in Chicago’s diverse landscape.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations‌ have been sweeping the⁢ United States following ⁤Hamas’s sneak attack ⁣that resulted in the deaths of ⁤over 1,400 Israelis, including civilians. These protests may confuse some‌ Americans, but ⁤they reflect the changing demographics and⁣ political leanings ‌of young Americans. Israeli Jews are increasingly ‍associated with ⁤white, Western colonialism in a⁤ less white and ‌less conservative America, leading to a socially sanctioned hostility against them.

An aerial picture shows the abandoned site of the weekend music festival attacked‌ by Hamas terrorists near Kibbutz‌ Reim ⁤in ​the Negev desert ⁢in southern⁢ Israel, on Oct. 10, 2023. (Jack Guez/AFP via⁢ Getty Images)

Elon Musk recently ⁢mused ​on his website, X, formerly known‍ as ‌Twitter, that ⁢”Demographics is destiny” in response to‍ similar protests in London. This⁤ statement holds true for any ⁤nation at any time, regardless of moralistic ⁤arguments. It is ⁣a ⁢reflection of the changing dynamics in society.

“Demographics is destiny” is axiomatic—true of any⁤ nation during any⁤ period, regardless of the moralistic formulations that pettifog it.⁢ Along Chicago’s Devon Avenue, another prolific X user’s line comes ⁤to mind: “Invade the world, invite the world.”

Steve ⁢Sailer’s quote is ‌a specific response to America’s foreign policy after the Global War ⁤on⁣ Terror (GWOT) initiated by former President George W. Bush. However, it ⁢resonates strongly in neighborhoods where refugees and migrants from​ affected countries have settled.

Iraqis, Afghans, ‍Yemenis, and many more can all be found ⁤on⁤ and near Devon in West Rogers Park. Despite efforts to bar Palestinian resettlement in the United States, it is not difficult to imagine Gazans among the neon-lined storefronts.

“Demographics⁣ is destiny” is axiomatic—true of any nation during ‌any​ period, regardless of​ the moralistic ‍formulations that pettifog‍ it. Along Chicago’s Devon ⁤Avenue, another⁤ prolific⁢ X user’s line comes to ​mind:⁤ “Invade the world, invite the ‍world.”

Head west down Devon‍ Avenue, a⁣ heavily Muslim strip, and you’ll come⁣ across a surprising sight: a quiet neighborhood of Orthodox Jews.‌ There is a complex ⁣relationship between the Muslim ⁤and Jewish communities‌ in this area, ⁢with both groups having ⁤specific cultural‌ and religious⁤ values that differ from‍ the mainstream American society.

Carmi Lawrence, managing director of ​the ​Synagogue Security ⁣Council of North America, explained that Muslims and ‍Orthodox ⁢Jews prefer each⁣ other as neighbors due to their shared disapproval of ⁢certain behaviors accepted in‍ secular environments, such as ⁣loud gatherings ​and⁣ revealing clothing.

While the Muslim community‌ is growing, the Jewish ⁤community in West Rogers Park is ⁢slowly ‌declining. Rabbi Leonard Matanky,‍ leader‍ of ⁢Congregation K.I.N.S., attributes this decline to the movement of Jews to the ⁢suburbs‍ over the years. However,‌ some Orthodox ​Jews ‍have remained in the area.

‘Calling 911 Is ‌Not a Plan’

On the afternoon⁤ of Hamas’s “Day of Rage,” Chiam ⁣Naiditch, president ​of MAGEN Chicago, a synagogue security organization, sat⁢ at a table in⁤ a ​Dunkin Donuts, equipped with⁣ a walkie-talkie. He expressed the belief that relying solely on law enforcement is not ​enough to ensure ⁤the safety‌ of the​ Jewish community, ⁤citing the ⁤Tree of Life synagogue shooting in ⁢2018 as a wake-up call.‍ MAGEN Chicago trains first responders ‌to‌ act during the critical window before law enforcement arrives.

Mr. Lawrence, from the Synagogue Security Council of North America, emphasized the‌ vulnerability of the Orthodox⁢ community and their need⁣ for security training. He even suggested that visible Jews carrying legal ⁣weapons may be necessary for ‌their safety.

Both Mr. Naiditch and Mr.​ Lawrence were⁢ appalled by the anti-Israel protests that followed ⁤Hamas’s attack, ‌noting the lack of empathy for Jewish lives.

Palestine supporters rally outside ‌the Sydney Opera House in Sydney,​ Australia, on Oct. 9, 2023. (Lisa⁢ Maree Williams/Getty‌ Images)

Hamas’s “Day of Rage” did not result in significant violence in Chicago compared to Europe. ⁣However,⁢ an Israeli diplomat in Beijing⁣ suffered a⁢ knife attack, ⁢and a stabbing incident in France was linked to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

‘Governments Are Fighting, But Civilians Are Suffering’

In Plainfield, a suburb near West Rogers Park, a 71-year-old‍ man allegedly stabbed a Palestinian woman and‍ her 6-year-old son, resulting in the child’s death. ‌The incident is believed to be motivated by the Israel-Hamas war.

Inside a West Rogers Park mosque, groups of men ⁤peacefully recited prayers, emphasizing peace and humanity.⁤ The imam and⁤ other attendees expressed sadness for the loss of civilian lives ‍on ​both sides and questioned the effectiveness of intelligence in preventing such tragedies.

Palestinian women walk by buildings destroyed in Israeli‌ airstrikes in Nuseirat ⁢camp⁤ in the central Gaza Strip, on Oct. 16, 2023. (Hatem Moussa/AP)

Rabbi Matanky also condemned the loss of civilian lives⁤ and highlighted ​the power struggle at the top, which leaves civilians suffering.⁣ The‍ imam echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the‍ suffering of civilians⁢ amidst the‍ conflict.

Despite the⁤ ongoing conflict, Rabbi Matanky suggested that ‌showing humanity and⁢ kindness to ​others ⁢is a ‍way to promote peace. Different religions have ‍their own prayers for peace,‍ but the terms ‍of any‌ ceasefire are crucial. On⁢ Devon Avenue, ‍coexistence exists amidst ​the changing demographics.

What factors contribute to the ‌changing demographics that shape ‌the ⁤pro-Palestinian movement in the United States?

Title: The Changing ​Dynamics of Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations in the ‌United States


Pro-Palestinian ⁤demonstrations have recently gained traction in‌ the United ⁢States,⁢ ignited by the tragic loss of⁣ over 1,400 Israeli lives, including civilians, in Hamas’s sneak⁣ attack. ⁣While⁤ these protests may appear perplexing to some Americans, they in ⁣fact reflect‍ the shifting⁤ demographics and political leanings ⁣of young Americans. With Israeli Jews increasingly associated with white, Western colonialism in a less homogeneous and less conservative America, ‌a socially sanctioned ⁣hostility has emerged against them.

The Influence of Changing Demographics:

Elon Musk, renowned entrepreneur,⁤ recently echoed ⁢the sentiment⁤ that “Demographics is destiny” in response ⁤to similar protests in London. Irrespective of‌ moralistic⁢ arguments, ‌this statement holds true for any nation at any time, representing the changing ​dynamics within society. The ⁣evolving demographics of the United States, ⁢with its growing ⁢population of diverse⁣ ethnicities and perspectives, play ⁤a significant role in shaping the‌ pro-Palestinian movement.

Understanding Steve Sailer’s Perspective:

Drawing on Steve Sailer’s quote, “Invade the world, invite the world,” we can comprehend the response of certain ​communities within the United‍ States‍ to America’s ⁤foreign policy following‍ the Global War on Terror (GWOT). Sailer’s statement resonates particularly strongly in ⁤neighborhoods where refugees and migrants from affected countries have settled. The presence of Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, and others in areas like West Rogers Park in Chicago, such​ as along Devon Avenue, highlights the potential for solidarity between​ these diverse ​communities and Palestinians.

The Hypothetical Inclusion of Gazans:

Despite⁤ efforts to​ restrict Palestinian resettlement ​in the United States,‌ the ⁤presence of ⁤Gazans among‌ the neon-lined storefronts is‍ not difficult to imagine.⁢ Just as other ⁣groups affected by conflict and displacement have found refuge within American borders,⁣ the ​potential for Gazans to⁢ seek safety and opportunity in the US cannot be ignored. This prospect further fuels empathy and ⁢support among those who⁣ identify with the struggles faced by ⁢Palestinians.


Pro-Palestinian demonstrations sweeping the United States are a response to the changing demographics and‍ political leanings of young Americans. The association ⁣of Israeli Jews⁤ with white, Western colonialism in⁤ a society that becomes less homogeneous and less conservative has resulted in a socially sanctioned hostility towards them. Understanding the resonating perspectives of‍ figures like Elon Musk and Steve Sailer adds depth to our comprehension of these demonstrations. As society continues to evolve,‌ it is essential to engage in open⁢ dialogue and promote ‌understanding among individuals with differing viewpoints.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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