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Illegal aliens released from jail after burglary and theft charges.

Illegal Aliens Released from Jail⁤ After Being Charged with Burglary, Theft

A pair of illegal aliens from Venezuela​ were arrested in a Chicago suburb and accused of burglary and​ theft‍ after ⁢they were brought into ⁢the area thanks to the ​Windy City’s sanctuary policies.

Both ended up being released from jail after⁣ their ​arrests.

According to the Oak⁢ Brook, ⁢Illinois, police, Venezuela​ natives Abel ⁢Barrios-Estava and Rafael Mata-Torres were arrested ​on Oct. 23 after police were called ⁣about a crime ​ in progress.

Officers were called to‌ the Oak Brook Macy’s store at about 5:27 p.m., according to Chicago’s WFLD-TV.

Police ⁤said that Barrios-Estava was seen entering the store, taking six items of clothing reportedly worth more than $300, and leaving without paying for ⁣the items, just another‍ example of the‌ sort of crime soaring in ​Chicago and its ⁢suburbs.

A store⁢ loss prevention officer ‌reportedly attempted to detain the‍ man, but he⁣ broke away‌ from the officer and ‌fled across 22nd Street.

Officers reportedly caught up with Barrios-Estava and again took him into custody.

Barrios-Estava was not ​the⁣ only ⁣migrant accused of retail theft that the Oak Brook police​ dealt with that day.

A second​ suspect, later identified as‌ Mateo-Torres, also ⁢entered Macey’s, ‍but in his case, he allegedly took 13 ‍items of clothing from the store and tried to abscond without paying.

Loss prevention officers‍ took Mateo-Torres into custody without incident.

Both men will next⁣ appear in court on⁣ Nov. 20.

In⁣ the meantime, they have been fitted ⁢with electronic monitoring devices and banned from ⁣the store, but otherwise released from jail.

In an Oct. 24 news release on the arrests, DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert ‍Berlin said that‌ retail ‍theft is costing American ​businesses billions.

“The ⁤National Retail Federation estimates that retail theft ⁣cost businesses nationwide more than $112 billion last year, up from $96 billion in 2021,” Berlin‍ said. “These losses cause significant financial hardship to businesses and their employees, higher prices for shoppers and⁤ loss of tax​ revenue for​ the entire community.”

Oak Brook Deputy Chief ‌of Police Mark King added, “The⁣ Oak⁤ Brook Police Department continues to proactively combat all forms of organized retail theft, and aggressively pursue offenders. Through our continued collaboration with retail loss prevention agents and the DuPage State’s Attorney’s office, we can effectively investigate, arrest, and prosecute these criminals.”

Of⁣ course, Chicago has been ​ flooded with tens of ⁤thousands ⁤of illegals, many lately coming from ⁢Venezuela, as Joe Biden’s failed border⁤ policies continue to leave America⁢ in a crisis.

Crime has gotten so bad in Chicago that one alderman is desperately proposing that deportation be imposed as a deterrent for crime, according to⁣ Chicago’s WBBM-TV.

“I think we need to send the message​ loud and clear that there are certain things that are ‌unacceptable in our society,” Alderman Ray Lopez said in‌ August.

And Chicago residents⁣ have reached their breaking point, as ⁤a majority of‌ 46 percent⁤ now say that the city should⁣ end its sanctuary city policies, ‌compared ‌to only 39 percent that say​ they should remain ​in place, ABC’s WLS-TV reported. Another 14 percent ‍declared themselves ⁣“unsure.”

The ​Windy City is sinking⁤ fast in a flood of crime, drug use, prostitution and millions of tax dollars wasted as hundreds more illegals arrive every week.

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Josh Manning

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The post Illegal‌ Aliens Freed from Jail After Being Charged with Burglary, Theft appeared first on The Western Journal.

What are the potential consequences of sanctuary policies in Chicago, as demonstrated by the release of Barrios-Estava ​and Mateo-Torres?

Stated that the​ release of⁤ Barrios-Estava and Mateo-Torres is due​ to the sanctuary policies in place in Chicago.​ These policies prohibit local law enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, thus allowing illegal aliens to avoid ​deportation.

The release‍ of these individuals‍ raises serious concerns⁣ regarding ⁣public safety and the enforcement of the ⁢law. Barrios-Estava and ‌Mateo-Torres were charged with burglary and theft, ⁣crimes ⁣that pose a threat ‌to the well-being and security ⁤of the community. ⁣By releasing ⁣them from‌ jail, the authorities are disregarding the potential harm they may cause and failing to uphold their duty to protect the public.

Furthermore, the incidents involving these⁣ illegal aliens highlight a growing issue of crime in Chicago and ​its suburbs. Criminal activities such as theft and retail theft are on the rise, and the city’s sanctuary policies only exacerbate the problem. ⁤The ⁢release of Barrios-Estava and Mateo-Torres not only undermines the efforts of law enforcement officials but also sends a message that illegal activities will be⁣ tolerated and consequences​ will be minimal.

State’s Attorney Robert Berlin’s statement emphasizes the⁢ detrimental impact ⁣of⁣ retail theft on businesses ‍across the nation. The financial losses incurred by these crimes have severe consequences for businesses, their employees, and the broader community. By ‌allowing‍ individuals accused of retail theft to go ​free, we are ⁤perpetuating a cycle of criminal behavior‍ that harms the economy and society as a whole.

It is imperative that authorities⁣ address the issue of illegal aliens⁤ and the impact of sanctuary policies on public⁢ safety. The safety and well-being‌ of ⁤law-abiding citizens ‍should always be a priority. Law enforcement ‌agencies should work together, regardless of jurisdiction, to ensure that ⁢those ⁤who commit crimes are held ⁢accountable and that justice⁤ is served.

In conclusion, the release of ⁢illegal aliens charged with burglary and theft in Chicago is deeply concerning. It highlights the‌ flaws in⁣ sanctuary‍ policies and the potential dangers they ⁢pose to the community. It is crucial that we prioritize public safety⁤ and enforce the law to protect our citizens and businesses. The collaboration between local and federal‍ authorities should be strengthened, and stricter measures should be implemented to ensure that those who commit crimes are appropriately punished. ‍Only by taking decisive action ⁢can we address the rising crime rates and restore a sense of security in⁤ our⁢ communities.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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