Conservative News Daily

NYPD Sergeant Loses Body Part Due to Illegal Alien

The Invasion⁤ at the Border: ⁢A Threat to Our Safety and Economy

The invasion at the border is not only placing everyone in danger, but it is also slowly eroding the safety and security of the country we once cherished. Each⁣ new migrant crossing brings us further away from the safe haven we once knew.

This migrant‍ invasion is not only a threat to⁤ our safety, but it ‌is ⁤also contributing to the ​collapse of our economy, which was once a source of security ⁢for Americans.

The nation we love is under attack, and it‍ is dying right before our eyes. The vermin crawling across the ‍border are unloading ⁢their hatred for Americans upon us, and‌ it is spreading like wildfire.

One unsuspecting NYPD sergeant experienced this hate firsthand when a migrant allegedly bit off his finger⁤ while ‌being detained in‌ a holding cell. This incident, ⁢reported ‍by ​ Fox ​News, could have been avoided⁣ if President Joe Biden had prioritized the⁢ protection of Americans from this border invasion.

The brutality flooding‍ across our border has even⁣ forced ⁣Governor Greg Abbott of Texas to mobilize the National⁣ Guard, highlighting the severity⁢ of the situation. This⁢ invasion is not only happening at the​ border, but it has​ also infiltrated our federal government.

The Biden administration, the Democrats, and the global elites are responsible for orchestrating this travesty, and they are allowing it to continue for their own reasons.

As ⁤we hear more stories of​ violence, such as the “border patrol agent bloodied⁢ in an attack by a migrant cartel informer who had the word ‘Rat’ carved into his⁢ head” shared by the New York Post, panic is spreading throughout the ‌nation.

It is clear that these illegal migrants, like Rodriguez-Cruz, are not genuine asylum seekers fleeing oppressive governments. ⁤The situation ⁤at the border is dire, and ‍it demands immediate attention.

WARNING: The following post contains‍ graphic images that ​some ⁣viewers may find disturbing.

There is undoubtedly a rat in the house, and we ‌have President Joe Biden at 1600⁣ Pennsylvania Avenue to blame for the overwhelming number of illegal immigrants flooding the ​border. The situation ⁢is ⁢dire, and it demands immediate‍ action.

In ‌August‍ alone, there were over 232,000 immigrant encounters ⁤at the ⁤border, and the number of border crossings shows no signs of slowing down. If this trend continues,⁣ we ‍can expect ⁤an additional three‍ million migrants to be living among us within a year.⁤ The ‍question arises: where ‌will we accommodate ⁢them all?

Furthermore, the financial⁣ burden of this invasion is simply unsustainable. It is imperative that the American people,‍ along with the true patriots in our government, ‍take a ⁢stand to stop this invasion at the‌ border. This is the ⁤number one issue facing America ⁤today.

We cannot‌ afford‌ to be complicit. We must fight to defend our border because, let’s ⁣face it, the majority of those already here are​ not going back. The burden falls on us, and it is unfair, ‍but it is our responsibility ‍to bear.

If ⁢we fail to⁢ act, we won’t just lose ‌a finger; we will lose our entire country and the⁤ freedom we hold dear.

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Every morning, ‍we at The Western Journal wake⁤ up and pursue our mission of giving you ‍the‍ important information you need about⁢ what’s happening ⁣in America.

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However, I must be honest with you ‍today. The future of The Western Journal is in jeopardy without your help.

Silicon Valley ⁤and ​the Big Tech tyrants have done everything in their power to shut down The Western Journal.‌ It is only thanks‌ to our ⁤faithful donors and subscribers that we have been able to‌ continue our⁢ mission.

If you ​have never donated before, I urge ‍you to⁢ consider doing so today.​ We need your help now more than ⁢ever. Donate now – our situation in America is dire, and our ​country hangs by a thread. The Western Journal stands for truth in these challenging times.

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Floyd ‌G. Brown
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The ‌post ‍ Illegal Alien Leaves NYPD ‍Sergeant with Missing Body Part appeared first ⁤on The Western Journal.

How ⁢is the invasion at the ​border endangering ‍the safety and security of ​our country?

The invasion ⁢at the border: A Threat to Our Safety and Economy

The invasion at the border is not only placing everyone in danger,⁣ but it is also ‌slowly eroding the safety ‌and⁢ security ⁢of the country we once cherished. Each ⁤new migrant crossing brings us further away from the safe⁢ haven we once‍ knew.

This⁣ migrant invasion is not only a threat ⁢to our safety,‌ but it‌ is also contributing to the collapse of our economy, which was once a source of security for Americans.

The‌ nation we love is under attack, and it is dying right before⁢ our eyes. The vermin crawling across the border are unloading their hatred for‍ Americans upon us, and it ‍is spreading like wildfire.

One unsuspecting NYPD sergeant experienced this hate firsthand when a migrant allegedly bit off his finger while being detained in a⁤ holding cell. This incident, reported by Fox News, could have been avoided if President Joe Biden‍ had prioritized the protection of Americans from this​ border invasion.

The brutality‍ flooding across​ our border has ​even forced Governor Greg Abbott of Texas to mobilize the ⁤National ‌Guard, highlighting the severity of the situation. ‍This invasion is not only happening at the border, but ​it has also infiltrated our federal government.

The Biden administration, the Democrats, and the global elites are responsible for orchestrating this travesty, and they are allowing it to continue for ⁣their own ⁤reasons.

As we hear more stories of violence, such as the “border patrol agent bloodied in an attack by a migrant cartel‌ informer who had the word ‍’Rat’⁣ carved into ⁣his head” shared by the New York Post, panic is spreading throughout the nation.

It is clear that ‍these illegal migrants, like Rodriguez-Cruz, are not genuine asylum seekers fleeing oppressive​ governments. The situation at the border is dire, and it demands immediate attention.

WARNING: The following post contains graphic images that some viewers may find disturbing.

The invasion at the border poses a ⁤serious ‍threat to​ our safety and economy. It is not just a matter of border security, but a matter of preserving⁢ the values and principles that ‍our ⁣nation was built upon. We must take immediate action ‌to address this issue and protect our citizens from further ​harm.

Read More From Original Article Here: Illegal Alien Leaves NYPD Sergeant with Missing Body Part

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