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Hurricane Idalia strengthens, heads towards Florida’s Big Bend.

Hurricane Idalia: A Massive‍ Storm Approaching ‌Florida’s Gulf Coast

Hurricane Idalia is rapidly growing‍ into a powerful storm, expected to make ⁢a Category 3 landfall ​with winds of ‍120 miles per hour on Florida’s Big Bend Gulf Coast by August 30.

During a 9 a.m. update, Florida ​Governor Ron DeSantis ‍revealed that the National Hurricane Center reported Idalia to be⁤ 130 miles south of the ⁤Dry Tortugas in‍ the Gulf‍ of Mexico, approximately 350 miles southwest of Tampa.

“The storm is going⁢ to be⁤ here very soon, within ‍24–36 hours,”

said Governor DeSantis​ from the state’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Tallahassee.

He noted that the storm’s projected track has⁣ slightly shifted west but​ remains focused on the Big Bend area.

Increased Risk and ⁣Evacuation Orders

According ⁣to Governor DeSantis, the storm’s track has shifted ‍further west over the past 24 hours. Initially targeting Levy County, it is now projected to make‍ landfall in Taylor County. However, ‍there are models suggesting it could move even ‍further west, putting places like Tallahassee at risk.

While the track has ⁤shifted, the⁢ projections for wind speeds and storm surge have increased.

“If this storm hits at high tide, the ⁤surge could reach eight to 12 feet in some areas. That would ⁣be life-threatening storm surge ​in⁣ all those areas that are under ​evacuation‍ notices,”

warned Governor DeSantis.

He emphasized the importance of heeding evacuation orders, especially for those in low-lying areas ‍of the 22 coastal counties designated as ⁣tropical flood zones.

Preparations and⁤ Safety Measures

Governor DeSantis, who has temporarily suspended his GOP presidential campaign to ⁤lead the state’s disaster response, ⁤announced the opening ‌of⁣ more than two dozen shelters along Florida’s Gulf Coast. Additional shelters are⁢ being prepared​ to accommodate ‌residents​ throughout the day.

“You​ do‌ not have⁢ to leave the state⁤ to escape the⁤ storm. You don’t have ⁣to drive hundreds of miles to get to higher‍ ground and a safe structure. You can‍ ride the storm out ‍there, then ‍go back to your home once the storm passes,”

assured Governor ⁤DeSantis.

As Hurricane Idalia intensifies, it is ‌crucial for residents to prioritize their safety and follow ⁤the guidance‌ of local authorities.‌ Stay informed about the storm’s progress and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones.

State ‍Set to Bear⁤ the Blow

In response to the approaching ‍hurricane, Governor DeSantis declared states of‌ emergency ​in 46 of Florida’s 67 counties. President Joe‍ Biden⁣ also declared a federal state of emergency for the same 46-county area.

The state has taken extensive measures to ensure preparedness. Florida’s ⁣”full” 5,500‍ National Guard force has been activated, mutual aid pacts have ⁣been enacted, and thousands of linemen, search-and-rescue ⁤teams, and ambulances are ​ready ‍for deployment.

Furthermore, ⁤schools,⁢ colleges, and universities have ⁤canceled classes, Navy ships have been deployed, and airports have ‍closed. The ‍Florida Department⁣ of Transportation⁤ has also made arrangements to provide essential services in the⁤ aftermath of⁢ the storm.

As Hurricane Idalia approaches, the ⁤state of‍ Florida is bracing ⁤itself for the ‍impact and taking​ every possible measure to protect⁢ its ​residents ⁣and​ minimize the storm’s⁢ effects.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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