The epoch times

House Republicans remove Jordan as Speaker nominee after 3 unsuccessful votes.

House Republicans ⁢revoked the nomination of⁢ Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for speaker of ⁢the House in a vote of no-confidence taken on Oct. 20, shortly after he continued to ⁤lose ground on a third ballot ‌on the House⁣ floor.

The 112 to 86 vote came ‌amid ‍intense‍ frustration among House members over the ⁤events of the ⁢past three ‍weeks.

That began with the ousting of​ former​ Speaker⁢ Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Oct. 3 by⁤ a small group of Republicans aided by Democrats. Then when⁢ the⁢ GOP conference nominated Majority ⁤Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) to succeed Mr. McCarthy, his⁢ nomination was derailed ⁢by a small group of Jordan supporters who stated their​ refusal to elect Mr. Scalise.

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The ​conference then‌ nominated Mr. Jordan, but he⁤ was​ unable to overcome​ the ill​ will⁣ generated by those events.‍ Though⁢ he had supported both Mr. McCarthy and ⁤Mr. Scalise, ‌some members saw him as tainted by​ association with them.

“It’s time for Mr. Jordan, whom I have no ‌personal ​animus toward, to⁤ step down,” ​Rep‌ Don Bacon (R-Neb.) said just ⁢ahead of the vote⁢ of no-confidence. “We need to have a clean slate with no ⁢baggage. We ⁢have baggage going ⁢back ⁢with Steve⁢ Scalise’s election, and Kevin’s and he was a part of that. ⁣It’s just time to move on.”

Despite this most recent setback in electing a speaker, ⁢some members were hopeful of ⁤coming to an agreement soon.

Next Steps

Republicans will hold a​ candidate forum on Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m. and vote on a nominee ⁢at 9 a.m. the ⁤following day.

“We need space and time for candidates to ⁢talk‍ to other ⁤members,”⁣ Speaker ⁣Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) ⁢told reporters after⁤ the meeting. Noting that the ‌candidacies of both ⁤Mr. Scalise and ⁤Mr. Jordan had been undertaken with very little notice, Mr. McHenry said, “Space and time for a reset is an ‌important thing for the Republican conference right now.”

Mr. McHenry said that while the House is not ⁤able to conduct business ⁢on the floor, committees⁤ are still ‍at work. “Our ⁢committees are working ⁣with the administration. ​And the goal there is for our ‍committees‌ is to be ready to respond legislatively once we have a⁢ duly‌ elected speaker of⁤ the⁣ House,” Mr. McHenry said.

Earlier, Minority Leader Hakeem⁣ Jeffries ⁣(D-N.Y.) pleaded ⁣with Republicans ‍to⁤ reopen‍ the House by joining Democrats ⁤in ⁣a bipartisan governing coalition.

“House ​Democrats continue to make clear that we are willing to find a bipartisan path forward so we can reopen the House and​ solve problems for hard-working American taxpayers,” Mr. Jeffries said at a midday press conference.

“It’s time for traditional Republicans to ​get‌ off ‍the sidelines, ⁣get in the arena, and⁢ realize ‌that the chaos dysfunction, and extremism has to end. And ​the only way to ‍do it is to figure ⁢out how we can​ partner in a bipartisan fashion to‌ reopen⁢ the House and govern in a reasonable commonsense way.”

There seems to be⁤ little appetite⁣ for that among Republicans, however.

“We need to coalesce around a‌ conservative‍ candidate for speaker,” ⁢Rep. Marc Molinaro​ (R-N.Y.) told NTD, sister media ⁢to ‍The⁤ Epoch Times. Any other ​activities would not be productive in the long ‍term, he said.

Members were eager to⁣ see that the next speaker does not‌ experience the problems encountered⁤ by the previous speaker‍ and ‍candidates.

“Unfortunately, we⁣ don’t give enough time to make decisions,” Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.) said. “I’ve been forceful to make sure that we‍ actually do have 217 people [the number needed to elect] before‌ we go‍ to the floor. Otherwise, it’s a disservice to the candidate and also a disservice ⁢to the ‌people that are very frustrated because they will expect Congress to​ do more.”

Rep. Thomas ‌Massie (R-Ky.)‍ said he was unsure if any ‍candidate other ⁤than Mr. Jordan could wrangle ⁣the independent personalities on the conference’s ‌right flank.

Troubled Campaign

Mr. Jordan’s candidacy ⁢was troubled from⁢ the start.

The ⁤Trump-endorsed candidate won ‍the nomination on Oct. 13, defeating Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.) 124–88. In a confirming vote held immediately afterward, Mr. Jordan still lacked 55 Republican votes.

Although ‌it is ⁣customary for conference members to support the majority candidate, that tradition was broken with the election of Mr. McCarthy ‍in January and with the nomination of⁤ Mr. ⁤Scalise. Both were⁣ opposed by Republican holdouts.

In a ​first ballot⁤ on Oct. 17, Mr. Jordan fell short of ‌a majority as 20 Republicans voted ‍for other candidates. That‍ number grew to 22 on⁢ a ⁤second ballot ⁤cast the following​ day.

On Oct. ⁢19,⁣ Mr. Jordan ⁢and ⁢others tried to convince fellow Republicans to temporarily empower​ Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) to conduct House⁣ business.

Mr. Jordan said this was an⁣ opportunity to “lower the temperature”⁤ surrounding the speakership race while allowing ⁢the House to reopen.

While​ many members​ supported the ⁢move, others⁢ adamantly ⁤opposed it during a tense Republican conference meeting on Oct. 19. ​No action⁣ was taken, effectively killing the proposal.

Mr. Jordan‌ met with holdouts ‌that​ evening, attempting ⁤to ⁢win supporters, then held a ‌press ⁤conference ⁢the following morning⁢ to ask Republicans to join him and reopen the House quickly.

On⁣ a third ⁣ballot, conducted on⁤ Oct. 20, three more Republicans swung​ away from Mr. Jordan.

Despite that resistance, Mr. Jordan enjoyed ‌strong support from a number of members. In ‌an effort to push his election over the top, the eight Republicans who‌ had voted ​to oust Mr. McCarthy attempted to reconcile with angry conference‍ members.

The‌ group issued a statement volunteering themselves​ for censure or expulsion from the conference if that would placate holdouts who believed‌ Mr. Jordan was the‌ beneficiary of their action.

“We are willing to accept ⁢censure sanction, suspension, or removal from⁤ the Republican‍ conference,” said ⁣Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) who introduced the ​motion to⁣ remove Mr. McCarthy.

“We, of course, ⁤will remain Republicans, we will continue to vote ⁤with Republicans on Republican principles. But​ if what these ‌holdouts‍ need is a ​pound of our ⁤flesh, we’re ⁣willing to give ⁢it,” the Florida congressman said after the ‍third ⁣ballot.

However, the majority had apparently concluded that Mr. Jordan had no pathway ‌to victory.

Jackson Richman, Joseph Lord, Emel Akan, Ryusuke⁣ Abe, and NTD’s Melina Wisecup contributed⁢ to this report.

What led to the ⁢revocation of the nomination of the candidate on⁢ the third ‍ballot?

Ballot‍, and then to ‌26 on the third ballot ‌‌on Oct. 20, ‌which ultimately led to his nomination ​being revoked.

The intense frustration among House members over these events is evident. ⁢The ousting of former‍ Speaker Kevin McCarthy ⁣by a⁣ small group of Republicans aided by ‍Democrats set the stage for the subsequent nomination of Majority Leader Steve Scalise. However, Scalise’s nomination​ was derailed⁣ by a small group of Jordan supporters who refused to ‌elect him. This series of events created a sense⁢ of ​animosity and perceived ​baggage associated with both McCarthy and Scalise.

Ultimately, the no-confidence vote​ against Rep. Jim Jordan was the result of this ill will and the perception that he was tainted by association with the previous candidates. Rep. Don Bacon expressed the sentiment of ⁣many members when he called for ‌Jordan ⁤to step down ⁤and emphasized ⁤the need for a ‍clean slate with no baggage. The vote of no-confidence passed ⁣with‍ a significant ​margin of 112 ⁤to 86.

Despite this setback, some members remain hopeful of reaching an agreement soon. Republicans⁢ will hold a candidate forum on Oct.‌ 23,

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