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House Republicans seek to repeal law used by Biden’s DOJ to imprison pro-lifers, calling it ‘weaponized’.

Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas Leads Effort to Repeal Law Used to Jail Pro-Life ⁣Activists

Republican Rep. Chip ​Roy of Texas is taking a stand against the oppression of pro-life activists by leading‍ an effort to repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic‌ Entrances Act (FACE Act). This law has been used to target ⁢and imprison individuals who peacefully protest against abortion clinics.

Roy introduced a bill on Tuesday to repeal the FACE Act, stating that “free Americans should never live in fear of ⁤their ⁤government targeting ⁢them because of their beliefs.” ⁢He criticized President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice for weaponizing the act against pro-life individuals, ⁤regardless of their political affiliation.

Republican Sen. ‌Mike Lee of Utah‌ is expected to introduce a companion bill in the Senate, showing bipartisan support for repealing the FACE Act.

Recent convictions under the FACE Act have sparked outrage.⁣ Individuals like Jonathan Darnel, Jean Marshall, and ​Joan Bell face up‍ to ‍11 ⁢years in prison for their involvement⁤ in ⁢a 2020 protest​ at a Washington abortion clinic. The Justice‍ Department’s news release announcing their convictions has raised concerns about the excessive punishment imposed by the act.

Roy argues that the FACE Act is an unconstitutional federal takeover of state ⁢police powers ‍and⁤ must be repealed to protect the separation of powers outlined ​in the Constitution. Several Republican representatives, including Chris Smith, Bob Good, Andrew Clyde, Jim Banks, Anna ⁢Paulina Luna, and Doug⁤ Lamborn, have joined Roy⁣ as co-sponsors of the repeal ‌legislation.

This is ⁣not ⁣the first⁢ time Roy has taken action against the FACE Act. In April, he​ attempted to defund its enforcement, citing the Biden administration’s lack of trustworthiness in implementing and enforcing the act.

Representatives targeted by the Department of Justice under the FACE Act ⁢are seeking representation from the Thomas More Society. Andrew Bath, general ​counsel for the conservative legal firm, emphasizes the need to ⁢stop the egregious abuse of government power.

Should the FACE⁢ Act be repealed?

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“The FACE Act ⁣has ​been weaponized by this administration,” he said. “Even if enforced honestly, the FACE ⁢Act is unconstitutional. If ‍our constitutional system of separation of powers‌ and the ideal of​ citizen self-government are to be preserved, the FACE Act‌ must‌ be repealed.”

Tom McClusky, director ‍of government affairs ⁤at CatholicVote,⁣ said he supported the GOP-led effort to “take this weapon away​ from Joe Biden and restore the First Amendment right ⁣to peacefully protest.”

“The Biden administration has‌ taken weaponization of government to a new ⁢level — his weapon of choice ⁣against pro-lifers has been the FACE Act, which ‌has been mainly used to ⁢target peaceful pro-life activists who stand up for the ​unborn,” he said.

The post House Republicans Move to Repeal⁤ Law That Biden’s DOJ Has ‘Weaponized’ to Imprison Pro-Lifers appeared first ‍on The Western Journal.

What are the reasons cited ⁢by Rep. Chip​ Roy and other Republican representatives for wanting‍ to repeal the FACE Act

Republican Rep. Chip Roy⁢ of Texas is leading an ⁣effort to‍ repeal​ the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act), which has⁣ been ⁤used to target ⁢and imprison pro-life activists. ‌Roy introduced a bill on Tuesday to⁤ repeal‌ the act, stating that free Americans should never live in fear of​ their government targeting them because of their beliefs. He ⁢criticized President Joe Biden’s Department⁤ of ⁢Justice for weaponizing the act against pro-life individuals, regardless of‍ their ⁢political affiliation.

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah is expected to introduce a companion bill in the Senate, indicating‌ bipartisan support for ‍repealing the FACE Act. Recent convictions under the ​act have sparked outrage, as ‍individuals like Jonathan Darnel, ‍Jean Marshall, and Joan Bell face up to ‍11 years in prison for their involvement in a 2020 ​protest at⁤ a Washington abortion clinic. Concerns have been raised about ​the excessive punishment imposed‌ by the act.

Roy argues that the FACE Act is an unconstitutional‍ federal takeover of state police‌ powers and must be⁢ repealed​ to protect the separation of powers outlined in ⁣the Constitution. Several ‍Republican⁤ representatives, including Chris Smith, Bob Good, Andrew Clyde, Jim Banks, Anna Paulina Luna, and Doug‍ Lamborn, have joined Roy as‍ co-sponsors of the repeal legislation.

This ⁣is not the first time Roy has taken action against the FACE‍ Act. In April, he attempted⁤ to defund⁤ its enforcement, citing the Biden​ administration’s⁢ lack of trustworthiness in ​implementing and enforcing⁤ the act.

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