
House Oversight Committee claims Biden WH staffers inspected Penn Biden Center a year earlier than previously known.

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden speaks during​ an event to announce new cabinet nominations at the Queen Theatre on December 11, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Oversight Committee Claims White House Employees ​Mishandled​ Classified Documents

OAN’s Daniel Baldwin
3:34 PM –Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Republican-led House Oversight Committee has alleged that several White House employees played a significant role in mishandling classified⁤ materials at the Penn ⁣Biden‍ Center. According to the committee, these employees were involved in coordinating ‌the movement and removal of boxes that were later found to contain classified documents.


In a ‌letter ⁢to White House counsel Edward Siskel, Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.)⁢ alleges that he has evidence suggesting President Joe Biden’s attorneys deliberately omitted crucial​ communications and planning related to the⁤ removal of classified documents from the Penn Biden Center. These documents were later discovered on‍ November 2, 2022.

According to the letter, an employee of the Penn Biden Center revealed that Annie Tomasini, assistant to the‌ President and senior advisor,⁢ visited the center to take inventory of President Biden’s documents on March 18, 2021. Comer claims that this eventually led to Ashley Williams, special assistant to the President,​ removing⁣ a few boxes from the center on October 13, 2022.

“There is no reasonable explanation as to ⁣why this many ‌White House employees and lawyers were so concerned with retrieving boxes they ‌believed only contained personal⁤ documents and materials,” the letter reads.

The White House​ and Biden’s ‍personal attorney, Bob Bauer, have claimed that the discovery of classified documents at the Washington, D.C. office space was⁣ promptly reported to‌ the National Archives⁣ and​ Records Administration.

Comer also alleges ​that former White House counsel Dana Remus and former assistant‍ to Vice President ​Biden ‍Kathy ​Chung were involved ⁣in inventorying or‍ packing up materials at the Penn Biden Center.

“The Committee‍ is concerned as to why Ms. Remus—the White House’s top lawyer— ⁤played such an integral role in gathering President Biden’s boxes​ that were purportedly believed to contain non-government materials,” the letter reads.

The committee is now requesting​ all ⁤documents and communications⁢ related to ‍the items removed by Ashley Williams on October 13, 2022. ‌Additionally, Comer is ⁣seeking interviews with Remus⁢ and other individuals involved in the alleged mishandling of​ classified documents.

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What are the‌ specific allegations made by ⁣the ⁤Republican-led House Oversight Committee regarding the mishandling of classified documents at the White⁣ House?

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It is important‍ to note that these allegations are from the Republican-led House Oversight Committee and ​have‍ not ⁤been independently verified. The White House and President Biden’s attorney have denied any wrongdoing and claim that the​ handling​ of classified documents was done ‍in accordance with proper protocols.

The mishandling of classified documents is a serious‌ matter that threatens national security. If true, it raises concerns about the handling‌ of sensitive information within ‍the White⁤ House and the potential risks that may ⁤arise from such mishandling. It is crucial ​that any allegations‌ of mishandling are thoroughly investigated and appropriate actions are taken to ensure the​ safekeeping of classified​ materials.

The Oversight Committee’s letter highlights the involvement of key ⁤White House employees, including top lawyers and advisors, in the alleged mishandling of classified documents. The committee is seeking further⁣ information and interviews with these individuals to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the removal and handling of​ the‌ documents.

While the allegations are serious, ‌it is important to maintain objectivity ⁢and ‍await the outcome of‍ any investigations or legal proceedings before drawing any conclusions. It is also important to remember the‍ principle of “innocent ⁢until‌ proven guilty” ⁢and give ⁢all parties involved the opportunity to present their side of the story.

The mishandling ​of ⁣classified‍ documents is a⁣ matter that transcends partisan politics. ⁣National ​security should always be‍ a top priority, and any allegations ⁤of mishandling must be taken seriously and thoroughly⁣ investigated. The‍ Oversight Committee’s inquiry into this ⁤matter is an important step towards ensuring accountability and⁣ protecting our country’s classified information.

As this story develops, it is crucial to stay ‌informed‍ and rely on credible sources of information. The truth must be pursued⁤ and upheld, and the public has a right to know ‌the facts surrounding ​the handling of classified documents within the White ⁢House.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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