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House Approves Resolution Censuring Bowman

The Republican-led House made a bold move on Wednesday by advancing a resolution to censure Representative Jamaal ⁣Bowman (D-NY)⁣ for⁢ pulling a⁤ fire alarm in a congressional office building. Despite the Democrats’ attempt to table the measure, it failed by​ a vote of 216-201, with Representative Susan Wild (D-PA) voting “present” and 16 members abstaining. The censure resolution, introduced by Representative Lisa McClain (R-MI), has sparked a heated debate, and a final vote is expected to take place ⁣soon.

In a tweet, McClain emphasized the⁢ importance of holding everyone accountable, including ⁢members of Congress, stating, “Nobody is above the law, Congressmen included.”⁢ Bowman, who took a plea deal on a misdemeanor count of falsely pulling a fire alarm, has apologized for the‍ incident and denied using ⁢it as ⁢a delay tactic. During the debate on‍ the censure resolution, Bowman expressed his frustration with Republicans‌ attempting to rehash ⁤a matter that had already been investigated and decided upon by the Republican-controlled House committee of ‌ethics.

McClain, in her‌ advocacy for the ‌resolution, stressed the need for consequences, ‌stating, “Actions must⁣ be met with consequences. Rep. Bowman pulling a fire⁤ alarm to‌ curtail an act of Congress ⁣was unacceptable and against the⁣ law. For that,​ he must stand before Congress and accept Censure.”

This comes after the expulsion of Representative George Santos (R-NY), who had attempted to force a House ‍vote to expel Bowman but was himself expelled the‍ following day. Santos faces multiple federal charges and has pleaded‌ not guilty. It is important to note that a ⁤censure is a formal rebuke of a lawmaker ⁢and is a less severe ‌punishment than expulsion. Other members of the House who ​have ‌been ⁣censured this⁣ year include Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

⁤ How does ⁤Representative Bowman defend ‍himself against ‌the ⁤censure⁤ resolution

Title: Republican-led⁣ House Advances Resolution to Censure Representative Jamaal Bowman


In a surprising move, the ⁢Republican-led House has taken steps to ⁣censure Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) for pulling‌ a ‌fire ⁣alarm in a congressional office building. The resolution, ⁤introduced by Representative Lisa McClain (R-MI), ​has ignited a contentious debate among lawmakers. Despite ​ongoing efforts by the ⁢Democrats to table the measure, it failed to garner enough support, setting the stage for an imminent final vote. This article outlines the circumstances leading ‍up to this significant development and provides an overview of the‌ arguments presented by both sides.

The Fire Alarm Incident

Representative ‌Jamaal Bowman recently garnered attention after he pleaded guilty to a ​misdemeanor⁣ charge ‌of falsely pulling a fire alarm. Although he expressed remorse and⁢ denied using it as a delay tactic, the incident‍ raised concerns ⁢among his colleagues. ⁢The introduction of the censure resolution by Representative ​Lisa McClain has⁢ provided a platform to hold⁤ him‍ accountable for his actions.

Republican Advocacy for⁤ Consequences

Representative McClain has been a ‌strong advocate for the censure resolution, emphasizing the importance of upholding the law⁤ and ensuring ⁢that nobody, including members⁢ of ⁤Congress, is above ⁢it. In a tweet, ⁤she ​stated, “Nobody ⁤is ‌above the law, Congressmen included.” McClain ​asserts‍ that actions such as pulling a fire alarm to curtail⁤ an act of Congress ⁢are unacceptable⁤ and must be met⁤ with⁢ consequences. The⁤ censure resolution symbolizes a formal rebuke of Representative Bowman’s conduct.

Bowman’s‍ Defense

During the debate on the censure resolution, Representative Bowman expressed frustration at ​the ⁢Republicans’ attempt to rehash an​ issue ​that had already been thoroughly investigated and ⁤decided upon by the Republican-controlled House committee of ethics. ⁢He ⁢argued that the resolution was an unnecessary move and an attempt to discredit him.

The Expulsion ‍of Representative​ George Santos

This recent development‍ comes in the wake of the expulsion of Representative George Santos (R-NY),⁣ who ⁢had sought to force a House vote ⁢to expel Representative Bowman.‍ The subsequent expulsion of Santos, who faces multiple‌ federal charges and has pleaded not guilty, ‌highlights the severity of congressman’s behavior. It ‌is important to note that censure is a ​less severe punishment than expulsion and serves as a formal ‍rebuke.

Recent Censures⁤ in Congress

Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)⁤ were among the lawmakers who faced ‍censure this year. These instances‍ demonstrate that both major political parties have taken ⁣decisive action against lawmakers ‍who‍ have breached ethical ⁣boundaries.


The advancement of the censure⁤ resolution ​against Representative Bowman‌ by the Republican-led House has sparked⁤ a heated debate. Supporters‌ argue that ⁤his actions must be met with consequences, while opponents view the censure resolution as an unnecessary and repetitive measure. With a final ‍vote on⁣ the resolution on the horizon, the House will soon​ decide the fate of Representative Bowman‍ and the precedent this censure could set for future political misconduct.

Read More From Original Article Here: House Advances Resolution To Censure Bowman

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