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Tim Scott could become the first black president in America’s history.

Two-Thirds of GOP Primary Field Comprised of People of Color

Sen. Tim Scott Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign

Sen. Tim Scott (R., S.C.) officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign on Monday. If elected, he would be the first black president in American history and the first president of color whose ancestors were brought to the United States as slaves. Scott’s backstory is inspiring, having been raised in poverty by a single mother who worked 16-hour days to support her family. He achieved political success in a former Confederate state before becoming the first black politician to represent a southern state in the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction.

Scott’s entry into the race means that two-thirds of the declared candidates in the 2024 Republican primary are people of color. Scott is one of three GOP candidates of color under the age of 60. In contrast, the Democratic primary will feature three white people with an average age of 73.

There are few things mainstream journalists and other partisan Democrats hate more than a black person who disagrees with their cloistered worldview. In April 2021, days before Scott was scheduled to deliver the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s first congressional address, the Washington Post published a “fact check” attempting to cast doubt on Scott’s account of his own family’s history. Liberal commentators reacted to Scott’s speech by hurling racially charged invective at the historic senator. Democratic analyst Jason Nichols denounced Scott as a “clown” whose “ancestors are ashamed of him.” At least one left-wing media personality was forced to apologize after invoking the racist “Uncle Tom” trope to attack Scott, while the phrase “Uncle Tim” trended on Twitter.

“Tim Scott is the real deal, and he will make a great president of the United States,” said Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.) while introducing (and endorsing) the candidate in South Carolina. “Today, I am living proof that America is the land of opportunity, not a land of oppression,” Scott told supporters at his campaign launch.

Tim Scott represents everything good about America. His critics are the absolute worst.

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