Herschel Walker Responds To Report He Paid For Woman’s Abortion: ‘Flat-Out Lie’

Herschel Walker, a Republican running for a U.S. Senate seat in Georgia, slammed a report in the Left-wing Daily Beast that claimed Walker paid for a woman to have an abortion over a decade ago.

The woman, who remained anonymous, alleged that Walker got her pregnant while they were dating in 2009 and that he urged her to get an abortion. The woman said that Walker reimbursed her $700 for the $575 procedure because she said she had estimated an additional $125 for “travel and recovery costs.”

The woman claims that she came forward because of Walker’s stance against abortion. The woman provided a purported copy of a check Walker allegedly wrote to cover the costs as well as a personal note.

“I just can’t with the hypocrisy anymore,” the anonymous woman claimed. “We all deserve better.”

Robert Ingram, a lawyer representing both the campaign and Walker in his personal capacity, told the publication that the story was “false” and that all the publication does “is run with stories to target Black conservatives.”

“This is a flat-out lie — and I deny this in the strongest possible terms,” Walker said in a statement. “This is another repugnant hatchet job from a Democrat activist disguised as a reporter who has obsessively attacked my family and tried to tear me down since this race started. He’s harassed friends of mine, asking if I fathered their children. He’s called my children ‘secret’ because I didn’t want to use them as campaign props in a political campaign. Now, they’re using an anonymous source to further slander me. They will do anything to hold onto power. It’s disgusting, gutter politics. I’m not taking this anymore. I planning to sue the Daily Beast for this defamatory lie. It will be filed tomorrow morning.”

In an unexpected turn of events, Walker’s son, Christian Walker, attacked his father publicly on social media after having repeatedly shown support for his father and his father’s campaign online.

“Every family member of Herschel Walker asked him not to run for office, because we all knew (some of) his past,” the conservative social media influencer claimed. “Every single one. He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it.”

Herschel Walker responded after his son’s tweets by writing: “I LOVE my son no matter what.”

It was a sharp turn for the younger Walker, who previously has supported his father’s Senate bid.

This is what you call two AMERICANS who love our FREEDOM, COUNTRY, and PRESIDENT @realDonaldTrump

Thanks for having us on! @MariaBartiromo pic.twitter.com/4bzDKxJq9b

— Christian Walker (@ChristianWalk1r) December 18, 2020

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