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Hamas Official: Tunnels Prioritize Terrorists, Not Palestinian Civilians.

Hamas Official Confirms Tunnels in Gaza‌ are Meant​ to Protect Terrorists, Not Civilians

In a recent interview, Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk revealed that the extensive network of tunnels beneath Gaza serves‌ as a shield⁣ for Hamas⁢ terrorists, rather ‍than a refuge for Palestinian civilians during Israeli airstrikes.

This revelation ⁤comes in⁤ the wake of a horrific terrorist attack on October 7, where Hamas militants mercilessly killed over 1,400 ⁣Israelis, injured ‌more than 5,300, and abducted over 200 individuals.

The⁣ interview with Marzouk, conducted on October 27, 2023, was captured and translated ​by the Middle​ East Media⁢ Research ​Institute⁣ (MEMRI).

During the interview, Marzouk was asked why Hamas had constructed 500 kilometers of tunnels instead of bomb shelters for civilians to‌ seek safety during bombardments.

Marzouk’s response was chilling: “We have built the⁢ tunnels because we have no⁢ other way of ‍protecting ourselves from being targeted and killed. These tunnels are meant to protect us from the airplanes.‍ We are fighting from ⁢inside the tunnels.”

He further added, “Everybody knows that 75% of the people in the Gaza Strip are refugees, and it is the responsibility of the United Nations ⁢to protect them. According to the Geneva Convention, it⁣ is the responsibility of the occupation to provide them with all the services as long as they ⁢are under occupation.”

It is important ⁣to note that Hamas ⁤commits war crimes by deliberately situating their tunnels near⁢ and beneath churches,‌ schools, and hospitals.

Watch the interview below:

Hamas Leader Calls‌ for Palestinian ⁤Civilians to Sacrifice ⁤Themselves

Last week, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh ‌shockingly urged Palestinian civilians to embrace death in Israel’s airstrikes, believing it would aid Hamas in their fight⁤ against‍ Israel.

In his impassioned plea, Haniyeh implored “all ⁣the free people of the world, all ‌the friendly⁣ countries, all the brotherly [Arab] ‍countries, and all the allies” to exert pressure‍ and put an end to the aggression against Gaza.

He continued, “This brutal aggression must stop. This new holocaust must stop.”

Disturbingly, Haniyeh emphasized the importance of bloodshed, stating, “The blood of the women, children, and elderly… We are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the⁢ revolutionary spirit, so it awakens within us resolve, so it awakens within us ⁣the spirit of challenge, and [pushes us] to move forward.”

Related: Hamas Leader: ‘Women, Children, Elderly’ Must ⁢Die In Gaza To Help Our Fight Against Israel

​ What implications does Hamas’s use of civilians as human shields have ‌on the‌ prospects ‍for⁢ peace​ and stability in the region

Rimes⁤ by using civilian infrastructure, such ⁢as ​tunnels and‍ residential areas, to launch attacks against Israel while putting Palestinian civilians in​ harm’s way. This⁣ confirmation by Marzouk reaffirms‌ that‍ Hamas‌ deliberately endangers the lives of its own people for its own ‌ideological and ‍political​ gain.

The⁣ construction of these extensive tunnel networks, stretching for hundreds of kilometers underground, speaks ⁢volumes ⁢about the priorities of Hamas. Instead of ⁤investing in⁤ basic services‌ and infrastructure‌ for the ⁤Palestinian people, Hamas chooses to prioritize the‌ protection of ​its terrorists. This raises serious questions ‌about the true ‍intentions and motives of the ‍organization.

The statement made⁣ by Marzouk also ⁢highlights⁢ the responsibility of the ​United​ Nations in protecting the rights​ and⁣ well-being​ of the Palestinian⁤ people. The Geneva Convention places the onus on the occupying‌ power ‌to ensure the welfare‌ of the ⁤civilian population. However, Hamas⁢ seems to conveniently ignore this ⁤responsibility and exploits the suffering of⁢ Palestinians for its own ‍ends.

The implications of this revelation‍ are‌ grave. It ⁢exposes Hamas’s blatant ‍disregard for human life and ⁤its willingness to sacrifice innocent civilians to further⁤ its agenda. By using civilians as human shields, Hamas seeks to manipulate international⁣ public ⁤opinion and ‌gain sympathy⁢ for its ⁤cause. This tactic not only perpetuates the cycle of ‍violence but also hinders any prospects⁤ for peace and stability in the region.

The ​international community must not turn a blind ​eye to ‌these atrocities committed by Hamas. ⁢The deliberate use‌ of ‌tunnels to shield⁢ terrorists at the expense of​ innocent⁢ lives is a flagrant violation of human rights ‌and international law. It is imperative that the responsible actors, including the United Nations and ⁢other global entities, hold Hamas accountable​ for its actions.

In conclusion, the ⁣confirmation ⁢by Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk that the tunnels ⁣in⁢ Gaza are meant to protect​ terrorists,‌ not civilians, shines ‌a harsh light on ​the true intentions ​of the⁣ organization. This revelation ‌should serve as a wake-up call‌ for the international community ⁤to take⁢ decisive⁤ action ⁣against Hamas’s ongoing disregard for‌ human life ⁢and its ⁣manipulation of the Palestinian people. It is ⁣high time‌ that Hamas is held ⁤accountable for its war crimes​ and prevented from ‌further endangering the ⁤lives of ‌innocent civilians.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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