
Hamas leader urges worldwide Muslim revolt, demands sacrifice of lives and spirits.

Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ⁢addresses a rally⁤ in Damascus on January 22, 2010 (LOUAI BESHARA/AFP via Getty⁣ Images)

OAN’s Geraldyn Berry
1:30 PM – Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hamas ⁢Leader Khaled ‌Mashal⁤ released a video on YouTube addressing Muslims worldwide and calling on them to partake in a global uprising to show their support⁣ of Palestine.


On Tuesday, terrorist⁣ leader Mashal emphasized the need for Muslims to carry out‌ Jihad ‍by sacrificing blood and souls in order to advance the Palestinian cause. He urged Muslims to express their anger from around the world on Friday, October 13th.

“We declare next Friday, ‘The Friday of the Al-Aqsa Flood,’ as a day of general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the⁣ free ‌people of the ‍world,” he demanded.

The Hamas leader encouraged those in Israel and in the West Bank to participate in large-scale rallies⁣ and to confront Israeli soldiers ​any chance they get.

The terrorist also called on people and governments in Syria, ⁣Jordan, Lebanon,⁤ and Egypt to act.

Jordan and ⁤Lebanon are ⁤two countries that are home to the most Palestinian refugees in the world.

“Tribes of Jordan, sons of Jordan, brothers and sisters of Jordan. This is a moment of truth and the borders are close to you, you ​all know your responsibility,” Mashal said.

This call comes as Israel and Hamas are going⁤ into their fifth day of war.

On Saturday morning, thousands of missiles were⁣ launched from Gaza into Israel, and simultaneously, hundreds of ⁢terrorists entered the Jewish State by land, sea, and sky.

Hamas militants flew into Israel via ⁢paragliders and attacked and killed over 260 ​people at a music festival.

Hundreds of terrorists rode in on motorcycles and marched by foot, killing ⁣those they saw on the streets and gunning down citizens inside of their own homes. Additionally, dozens of motorboats stormed Israel’s beaches, reportedly shooting at anyone they saw on land.

In⁢ the days following, hundreds of bodies, including those of elderly, ⁤women and babies, have been discovered decapitated,⁤ burned, broken and drained ⁢of blood.

These coronated attacks have taken the lives of over 1,200 people in Israel thus​ far. Those numbers⁤ include 22 Americans.

Dozens of people have been taken hostage by the terrorist organization.

Hamas is threatening to carry out executions⁤ of those hostages ⁤on‌ live television in response to Israeli air strikes on Gaza. ⁤The United States has ‌stated that it has ⁤“people on the ground” to ⁤help assist Israel in their ongoing efforts to free hostages from Hamas terrorists.

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What is the significance of Khaled Mashal’s call for⁢ a global uprising⁣ in support of Palestine?

‍Title: Hamas Leader Urges‍ Global Uprising‌ in Support of Palestine


In a recent video released ⁣on YouTube, Hamas leader Khaled Mashal called upon Muslims worldwide to participate⁤ in a global uprising in support of Palestine.​ He emphasized the⁢ need for sacrifice and expressed anger towards Israel, urging Muslims to stand united on October 13th, 2023. As tensions between Israel and Hamas escalate, Mashal’s call⁣ for mobilization has gained significant attention.

The Call for‌ Uprising:

Mashal, a leader ‍of the internationally recognized terrorist organization Hamas, appealed ‍to Muslims to carry out Jihad and make sacrifices to advance the Palestinian​ cause. He⁣ referred to‌ the⁢ upcoming Friday as ⁤the “Friday of the Al-Aqsa‍ Flood”‍ and demanded⁢ a day of general mobilization in the Arab and Islamic world. Mashal⁢ encouraged mass rallies and confrontations with Israeli ⁢soldiers, particularly among Palestinians living in Israel and the West Bank.

Support⁣ from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt:

The‌ Hamas leader extended his call to the people and governments of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. Jordan and Lebanon are⁤ home to ⁢significant numbers ⁢of Palestinian refugees, making ⁢their involvement crucial in Mashal’s ​vision of a‌ global uprising. He ‌specifically addressed⁣ the tribes of ⁣Jordan, emphasizing their responsibility as ⁣the borders near them.

Response and⁢ Implications:

Mashal’s video has garnered widespread attention, leading ⁣to discussions around its potential consequences for regional stability. As the conflict between Israel and Hamas intensifies, the ​call for a‍ global uprising increases the likelihood of violent clashes and further instability ⁣in the region.

Ongoing⁢ Conflict:

Amid⁢ Mashal’s call to action, Israel and Hamas continue to engage in a war that has ⁣entered its fifth day. ⁢On Saturday morning, numerous missiles were⁤ launched from Gaza into Israel, while hundreds ‍of Hamas ‍militants infiltrated Israel by​ land, sea, and sky. Shockingly, paragliders were used to carry out attacks during‍ a⁢ music⁣ festival,⁤ resulting in the ​loss of over ‍260 innocent lives.⁣ These‍ acts of⁢ aggression have further escalated tensions and ⁤prompted heightened ‍security​ measures.


Khaled Mashal’s call for a global uprising to support Palestine has generated significant controversy and concern.⁤ As tensions between Israel and Hamas continue to escalate, the international community must strive to find diplomatic solutions to prevent further⁤ violence‌ and bloodshed. The implications ⁤of ⁢such a widespread uprising could have far-reaching‌ consequences for regional stability and the lives of innocent people on both sides of the conflict. It is ⁢essential for ‍global leaders ​and organizations to maintain⁤ a commitment to peace and work towards a lasting resolution in ​the Israeli-Palestinian ⁢conflict.

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