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Republican House Committee Releases Documents on Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Targeting Elon Musk

A Brazilian Supreme Court Justice targeting Elon Musk’s⁣ social media platform X had dozens of ​decisions brought to ⁤light. ​The Justice⁢ tried‌ to keep these ⁣decisions⁣ confidential, ⁢but‍ the House Judiciary‍ Committee ⁢made them public ‌in ⁢a detailed 541-page report. X Corporation responded to the​ Committee, and the Justice ⁢demanded bans on over 150 X profiles, causing concerns about electoral ⁢interference.

Dozens of decisions from a Brazilian Supreme Court Justice related to his targeting of Elon Musk’s social media platform X have been revealed.

Justice Alexandre de Moraes had barred X from making the decisions public, but the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee, as a result of committee subpoenas involving X, revealed the decisions in a 541-page staff report, according to the Associated Press.

“To comply with its obligations under U.S. law, X Corp. has responded to the Committee,” X stated earlier this week.

De Moraes had demanded permanent bans on at least 150 X profiles from elected officials and journalists, according to investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, who added:

Given the dependence of elected leaders on social media, these demands for bans may constitute electoral interference. In one case, De Moraes demanded that all major social media platforms, including at least one, Twitter, which did not publish the offending material, ban a federal Congressman, Marcel Van Hattem. The TSE had claimed that Van Hattem had criticized the election results. Not only had Van Hattan’s video not been related to the elections, but it was also a criticism of the Labor Department. It was released one day before the election.

“Musk is indeed a very innovative businessman; he innovated with electric cars, he innovated with rockets and now he invented a new form of non-compliance of a court order, through an intermediary,” Carlos Affonso, director of the nonprofit Institute of Technology and Society, told the AP. “He said he would reveal the documents and he found someone to do this for him.”


“About 40 million Brazilians, or about 18% of the population, access X at least once per month, according to market research group eMarketer,” the AP noted.

After de Moraes ordered X to block the accounts earlier this month, Musk said he would defy the court’s order once his employees were in a “safe place” where they could not be arrested. De Moraes then issued a decision accusing Musk of obstruction of justice and incitement to crime. On April 13, X’s legal representative in Brazil informed de Moraes they would comply with all court orders.

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