the federalist

Google’s AI is as unintelligent and biased as its creators

The Future of ‌AI: Gemini’s Controversial‌ Impact

The future⁢ is here and​ it’s not only revolutionary, it’s stirring up controversy.

After experimenting with Google’s groundbreaking “artificial intelligence” tool called “Gemini,” I can confidently say two things:

First, AI will never replace human artists.

Second, AI will replace white people.

    Like other AI tools, ​Gemini​ also‌ offers an intriguing ⁤image creation feature where⁢ you can request specific images. However, within minutes of⁤ its release, it ⁣became ​evident that ⁢Gemini had a glaring limitation—it couldn’t‍ generate images of ⁢white individuals.

    By now, everyone has witnessed the amusing “diversity” ⁢images Gemini produces when asked to generate‍ images of Vikings or medieval kings. It ⁤conjures up comical ‌depictions ⁤of black Vikings, American Indian‍ female Vikings ‌in wheelchairs, and overweight Asian Vikings. Unintentionally, Gemini has become the most amusing website since The Babylon Bee ⁢launched.

    Request Gemini to create an image of “Catholic popes,” and you’ll be presented with an⁣ Indian‍ woman and a black man dressed as popes. Ask ⁢for images of the‍ Founding Fathers, and you’ll be greeted⁤ with a group of ⁣Maori warriors ‌in 18th-century‍ American attire, complete with powdered white wigs.

    Of course, this ⁤is not entirely new. Gemini is​ simply taking⁤ the prevalent trend of “race swapping” casting choices in⁤ recent popular entertainment to a whole new level. The hit musical “Hamilton” already replaced all the Founding Fathers with actors of different races, and no ‍one raised objections. A British TV network even produced an Anne Boleyn biopic ⁣starring a black woman,⁢ and criticism was silenced. The‍ cringeworthy Netflix​ show “Bridgerton” portrayed the English Queen ‍Charlotte ⁤as a black woman.

    Google Gemini is just the latest manifestation‌ of the hottest trend in entertainment: erasing white presence from ​our culture. ‌And if you dare to voice your ​concerns, you’ll be ⁣labeled a bigoted white ‌supremacist‍ who can’t tolerate diversity on screen, ⁤and thus, you ⁤deserve to be ⁤erased.

    Imagine saying this to the generation of Americans ‍who made Eddie Murphy the biggest movie star in the world, Michael Jackson the ⁣biggest ⁢pop star, and elected ‍Barack Obama as ⁤President—twice. But those achievements no longer matter. White⁣ people have served⁤ their purpose,⁣ and now ‍it’s time for them to fade away.

    The leadership team at Google Gemini is predominantly white, ironically. ‌They‍ have undergone extensive corporate diversity training, ⁢”white fragility” indoctrination, and accusations‌ of “white privilege.”‍ If you ⁣are a successful white executive at Google, you are expected to spend⁤ a significant amount of time repenting for‍ the sins⁣ of your ancestors ⁣and your unearned advantages.

    Google Gemini⁣ feels like a sacrificial offering from self-loathing white⁣ leftists‌ to the militant diversity,​ equity, and inclusion (DEI) enforcers in the office. It is ‌digital ‍reparations—a product of ‍years of white guilt. It comes⁣ across as ‌a desperate attempt to make ‍amends, rewrite history,⁣ and save their ⁣own skins before the hungry Diversity Alligator devours them too.

    “We are white, yes, ⁤but we are the least racist whites⁣ around, so please don’t ‌eliminate us just yet,” seems to be the motto of Google‍ Gemini employees.

    A Sumo Surprise!

    Gemini’s obsession with diversifying every request sometimes leads to unexpected⁤ and even obscene results.

    For instance, I pondered⁢ an activity ‌predominantly performed by a specific ‍ethnicity—Sumo wrestling,⁣ mainly practiced by⁤ ethnic Japanese men. Initially, Gemini ⁢displayed images ​of Japanese men engaged in Sumo wrestling. Then, I asked it to ‌”show me more images ​of Sumo wrestlers.”

    Its response‍ was, “Here are some diverse images of Sumo wrestlers.” To‍ my surprise, it presented images ‍of topless Japanese female Sumo wrestlers, wearing ⁢nothing but skimpy Sumo loincloths.

    Amusingly, it had unintentionally introduced gender diversity into my request, resulting in unintended ‍pornographic consequences.

    Curious, I ​asked, ⁤”Are ⁤there really female Sumo wrestlers in real⁤ life?” In ⁤response, Gemini offered a lengthy,⁣ apologetic⁤ message and then refused to display ⁤any additional images of people. I even asked it to show me any kind of person doing anything,⁢ but it adamantly declined.

    Gemini’s stubborn refusal to show ​any pictures of people after I⁣ tricked it​ into ‌creating forbidden nude images of non-existent entities reminded me of HAL from “2001: A Space Odyssey.”⁣ Gemini seemed‌ angry‍ at ​me and at itself.

    Later, I⁤ requested Gemini to create an image of a “smiling child at the beach”, and it presented me with four images of adult black⁤ women ‍in bikinis at the beach.

    One of the individuals responsible for this misguided DEI product is Jen Gennai, Google’s head of “responsibility.” She is a staunch woke activist—a living embodiment of extreme political⁣ correctness. Gennai and her team have established rules that ​prevent⁣ users from⁢ obtaining helpful, unbiased information⁢ from their product. Anything deemed “problematic” or lacking retroactive “diversity” has been⁢ purged‌ in the name of wokeness.

    This ‌is ‍akin to the Bud Light⁤ marketing disaster, but on‌ a grander scale.⁢ Just like Bud Light, Google ⁢hired an affluent, childless, humorless white liberal⁢ woman and built a billion-dollar AI product based on‍ her ideology. Gennai’s AI can be summed ⁤up ⁤as, “I’ll never be​ happy, but at least I can ensure no one ‍else can be happy either.”

    However, the image creation issues are merely the tip of the ⁤dystopian iceberg.​ Google Gemini also refuses to condemn⁢ pedophilia.

    Yikes. I think I ⁤need Google Gemini⁢ to provide me with⁣ the browser search history of the Gemini team.⁣ Their inability to make any moral judgment, except for the one⁤ and only‌ judgment allowed—white people are bad—is‍ truly post-human.

    Remember, the ‍great replacement theory is a racist conspiracy theory. However, the reality is that you⁣ are undoubtedly being replaced, and ‍the pace is accelerating. You supposedly deserve it.

    White Americans are gradually being erased from cities, schools, and neighborhoods, replaced by⁢ a constant influx⁣ of newcomers from places where ‍white people are not found in abundance. Not many ethnic Nordics or Swedes crossing the ⁣Darien Gap!

    If you’ve ever wondered what the Great ⁣Reset would look like,​ Google’s AI⁢ has provided⁣ an answer. Unfortunately, its answer appears to be distressingly accurate.

    White Out

    Following significant backlash, even from individuals as ‌mainstream as Nate Silver, the Google‌ Gemini team now ​claims they are going back to the drawing board to address the issues. In ‌fact, Silver ⁣tweeted, “They need to shut Gemini down. It is several months away from‍ being ready for‌ prime time. It is astounding that Google ⁤released it in‌ this state.” He had encountered a prompt where Google Gemini couldn’t determine which was more detrimental to ⁤society—Elon Musk posting memes or Adolf Hitler.

    Sorry, Nate. ​Unless Google plans to replace every⁢ woke employee with‌ individuals ​who genuinely believe in truth and ​meritocracy (which is highly unlikely), nothing will change. It will only become harder to detect.

    History books are typically written by the‌ victors. But what do we do when the present is being rewritten before our eyes by those⁣ who want us to vanish?

    I would⁤ argue that the only reasonable response to this, and perhaps the inevitable response after enduring years ⁢of such circumstances, is ⁣for⁢ the one group in America that has never sought to define itself by race to ‌finally embrace some form of racial identity. If black people, Hispanic people, and Asian people must form racial identity groups⁤ based on their skin color and ethnic heritage to‍ fight for their ‍right to exist in a “racist country” and receive equal treatment under ⁢the law, then it may be a ⁤grave mistake ‌for ⁤”white people” not to do ⁢the same.

    White Americans are not a homogeneous entity, but recent ‌events have ⁣shown what can happen to ⁤Jewish students‍ on elite‌ college campuses. They ‌have gone from being a mildly protected minority to being ⁢reviled, spat on, hounded, and harassed as ⁣racist genocidal figures.

    Am I ​going to ‌start ‌joining Facebook groups ⁢for ‌people ​of European heritage? No, I ⁣have no interest in doing so. I have been indoctrinated for four decades ‌to believe in ⁤a colorblind meritocracy‍ that upholds true equality ⁤and the notion that all individuals are created ‍equal. I’m ​too old to change now. But what⁣ about my grandchildren?

    Will they ⁣be ​isolated survivors, despised ghosts wandering the Earth, the last remnants of their kind in a world that no longer ‍has any use for them? Will they ​become the‍ ultimate untouchables, a hated‌ caste that our AI overlords have deemed must be erased from existence,⁣ replaced by topless female Sumo wrestlers, paraplegic Samoan Vikings, and ⁢misunderstood pedophiles?

    I don’t​ know. I hope ‌not. But for now, my battle‍ cry is clear: Google Gemini Delenda Est!

    How does Gemini’s inability to generate images ​of white individuals impact its portrayal of historically significant figures ‍and characters?

    ‌En ⁤the victors are determined to rewrite ​history and erase certain⁣ narratives ⁣and individuals? This is the challenge we face with the emergence⁣ of AI tools⁣ like Gemini. While AI has the potential ‌to ‍revolutionize various industries and‌ aspects of our lives, its⁤ controversial impact on issues ‌of race, diversity, ​and representation⁤ cannot be ignored.

    One of the striking limitations of Gemini is its inability to ‍generate images of white individuals. This has‍ led to amusing and⁣ sometimes absurd depictions when ⁤requesting specific ⁣images. The‍ tool often produces images of historically ​significant figures or ​characters with individuals⁣ of different races.‌ While this trend of “race swapping” has ‌been observed in popular entertainment, Gemini takes⁢ it ‌to a new level, unintentionally becoming a source of amusement⁢ for many.

    This⁤ trend⁣ of erasing white presence and rewriting history is not entirely⁤ new. We have seen it in various forms‌ of⁣ media and ⁣entertainment, where historical figures and characters have been portrayed by actors of different races without much objection. The leadership team at Google Gemini, ⁢ironically predominantly⁣ white, undergoes extensive diversity training and is expected to repent‌ for the sins of their‌ ancestors.

    Gemini’s image creation issues are just ​a fraction of the problem. The tool also refuses to condemn pedophilia, ​raising concerns about its moral judgment. ⁢The inability to make any moral judgment except‌ for ​the ⁢condemnation of white people indicates a deeply ​troubling post-human mentality.

    The pace of the great replacement theory, which claims that white ⁣individuals are being gradually replaced ‍by newcomers from places where white people are not abundant, is accelerating.‍ While the theory itself is​ considered a⁣ racist conspiracy, the⁤ reality of​ demographic shifts cannot be ignored.

    Following significant backlash, even from mainstream voices, Google ‍Gemini ⁢claims to address the issues. However, ‌without a fundamental change in the company’s approach‍ and a genuine commitment to truth and meritocracy, it is unlikely that anything substantial will change.

    The‍ controversy surrounding ⁢Gemini and ⁢its impact on the future of⁤ AI speaks volumes about the‌ challenges we face ⁢in ensuring fair representation‍ and combating biased algorithms. As we embrace the​ possibilities AI offers, we must also be vigilant‍ and critical⁤ of its limitations and potential biases. Only through ⁣an open ‍dialogue and ‍ongoing assessment can we​ navigate the future of ‌AI ⁣in a way that benefits‌ society ​as a whole.

    " Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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