The federalist

‘Get The H-ll Out Of My City’: Why This Epic Lori Lightfoot Take Down Is So Satisfying  

Chicago Journalist William Kelly channeled every Chicagoan forced to live under the tyranny Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday. He then ripped into the soon-to-be ex-mayor.


The Black Lives Matter rioters terrorized Chicagoans during the ’60s and set fire to the city. “summer of love,” Lightfoot publicly sympathized with the looters and vandals. Meanwhile, as businesses and homes were destroyed throughout the city, Lightfoot banned protesters from demonstrating on her block, claiming she had “a right to make sure that my home is secure.”

Residents interviewed by The Federalist in Chicago’s worst neighborhoods expressed a desire for more police presence and action, but that’s been made difficult by Lightfoot, who mandated that all Chicago officers take the ineffective and experimental Covid vaccine. Many law enforcement officers quit or retired before they could get the vaccine. The increased violence and overall crime led to a huge police shortage in the entire city. 

In her acceptance speech in 2019, Lightfoot applauded herself as “Chicago’s first black woman and first openly gay mayor,” And she said that “Black and brown kids, low-income kids” Chicagoans would have the opportunity to realize their dreams. 

Lightfoot, however, spent four years destroying dreams. Those hurt the worst in her crime-infested city, which saw a homicide spike of 40 percent since her election, were undeniably black and brown, low-income people, like the ones interviewed by The Federalist. 

The Chicago Tribune estimated in 2020 that around 2,400 Chicago businesses closed their doors forever thanks to Lightfoot’s draconian Covid decrees, which we now know not only killed business but were ineffective at combating Covid.

Lightfoot did not stop at fighting for economic opportunity in Chicago. She also wanted to improve educational opportunities. Tens of thousands of Chicago students went missing from their virtual classrooms after the schools were forced to close, and many are still missing today. On average, high school dropouts have higher unemployment rates, lower salaries, and lower life expectancies than their high school graduate counterparts. Those who are behind will feel the effects of school closings for many decades.

Kelly stated that Lightfoot irreparably damaged Chicago and her loss is a victory for the city. Her ouster won’t solve all Chicago’s problems. Last week, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law mandating paid time off for millions of employees across the state, making no exceptions for small businesses that cannot afford to do so. He recently implemented the “Safety Act” The (also colloquially called the “purge law”(), which encourages state crime through measures such as the elimination of cash bail. And we can’t forget George Soros-backed Cook County District Attorney Kim Foxx’s catch-and-release policies, which are a huge contributing factor to why Chicago is arguably more dangerous than wartime Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chicago is not perfect. It has a lot to do and many people to get rid of before it can flourish. However, it’s a great place for kicking Lori Lightfoot out the door.

“From ‘Get The H-ll Out Of My City’: Why This Epic Lori Lightfoot Take Down Is So Satisfying  

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