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Gavin Newsom Gave Millions to Mosques that Cheer the Annihilation of Jews

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Funds Mosques Promoting Hate and Violence

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D.) has come under fire​ for awarding millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to mosques that preach⁣ anti-Semitic hate and call for violence against Israel. This shocking revelation has raised concerns about the ‌potential consequences of such funding.

Under Newsom’s administration, the Sajjadia ‍Islamic Society received $200,000 this year as part of the Nonprofit⁢ Security Grant‍ program, which aims to enhance security measures for nonprofits​ against terrorist attacks. However, in a recent sermon at the mosque, pro-Iran cleric Hamza Sodagar praised Hezbollah leader⁤ Hassan Nasrallah and claimed that Allah sent rockets from ‍Hamas or ‌Hezbollah to strike Israel.

Newsom has also granted funds to other mosques, such as the Islamic Center of Hawthorne and Islamic Center of Riverside, whose​ imams ⁣have expressed hatred towards Jews ⁢and prayed for their destruction.

Overall, the Newsom administration has allocated a staggering‍ $40 million to California mosques whose leaders openly advocate for the annihilation of Jews and Israel. This dangerous rhetoric has the potential to incite violence, which contradicts the very purpose of the grants.

Newsom,⁣ who is considered ⁣a potential future Democratic presidential⁣ contender, recently announced his intention ‍to double funding for the nonprofit security program in California. He cited the “unconscionable terrorist attacks in Israel” as the reason behind this decision. It is important to note that the grants are intended for both ​synagogues and mosques.

Following an‍ inquiry by the Washington‌ Free Beacon, the Office of Emergency ‌Services ‍in California, responsible for administering the grants, stated that they are investigating whether any of the mosques have violated their grant requirements by promoting hate speech. If any breach is confirmed, the funding will be immediately revoked. The state of California firmly rejects hate speech and discrimination in all forms, recognizing its threat to democratic values, social stability, and peace.

Last year,​ Newsom provided $200,000 ⁣to the Islamic ‌Society⁣ of Corona-Norco, where preacher Hussam Ayloush vehemently denied that Hamas’s ‍invasion of ⁤Israel ​was an unprovoked​ attack. He expressed frustration with the term and​ questioned its definition.

At the Islamic Center ​of San Gabriel Valley, which‌ received $200,000 this year, preacher Amir Mertaban expressed⁤ support for Iraqis fighting American forces and Palestinians engaged⁢ in conflict with Israel. He defended these ⁣individuals against accusations of ‌terrorism and demanded proof ⁤of any claims that ⁣innocent Israelis were killed by Hamas fighters.

It is alarming to note that some ​of the grant recipients have been associated with Islamist terrorists. For ⁣instance, the Islamic ​Center of San Diego, which received $200,000, was the⁤ home mosque of two 9/11⁤ hijackers. ⁢Its imam, Taha Hassane, justified resistance against Israel, arguing that those fighting for⁢ their⁤ lives cannot be labeled as terrorists.

Similarly, the Masjed of Riverside, affiliated with the Islamic ‌Center of‌ Riverside, received $200,000. This‍ mosque was previously⁣ attended by Syed⁢ Rizwan ‌Farook, who carried ​out a terrorist ⁣attack in ⁣San Bernardino in 2015. The mosque’s leader, Imam Mahmoud Harmoush, called​ for the destruction of Jews in a sermon.

The Islamic Center of Hawthorne, another grant recipient, has also been associated with hateful rhetoric. Preacher Hamdy ‍Sadek urged Allah to purify the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the malevolence of Jews and claimed that “weak⁣ Muslims” are influenced​ by Jewish media.

Newsom has also awarded grants to Islamic advocacy groups allegedly linked​ to Hamas. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which the federal government has labeled ⁤a co-conspirator of ​Hamas, received recognition ​in Newsom’s statement announcing the doubling of the grant program. ⁢CAIR’s executive director, Zahra Billoo, has made anti-Semitic remarks in the past and ⁣encouraged Muslims to oppose “polite Zionists.”

It ⁤is worth noting that Ahmed Billoo, Zahra Billoo’s brother, has preached at several mosques funded by Newsom’s program. In 2019, he published a prayer while in Israel, calling for the⁣ reduction​ and extermination of Jews. ‍In 2007, he justified suicide‍ bombers on a “case-by-case basis.”

The⁢ revelation of‌ Newsom’s funding​ decisions has sparked outrage and⁤ raised concerns about the potential consequences of supporting​ mosques that promote hate and violence. ‍It remains to be seen how the investigation by the Office of ​Emergency Services will unfold and whether any corrective actions will be taken.

⁤How can taxpayer funds be⁢ better allocated to ensure that they are not supporting organizations that promote hate speech and violence?

Funds provided by Governor Newsom have been used to support mosques that promote ⁢hate and violence. These revelations⁤ raise serious concerns about the allocation of taxpayer funds and the potential consequences of supporting institutions that preach anti-Semitic rhetoric and call for violence against Israel.

One ⁢such recipient of Newsom’s funding is the Sajjadia Islamic Society, which received $200,000 this year through the Nonprofit Security Grant program. The aim of‍ this⁣ program is to enhance security measures for nonprofits against terrorist attacks. However, in a recent sermon delivered at the mosque, Hamza Sodagar, a pro-Iran cleric, praised Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah ⁣and claimed that ⁤Allah sent rockets from Hamas or Hezbollah to strike⁢ Israel. Such statements of support for terrorist⁢ organizations and justification of violence are deeply troubling.

Furthermore, other mosques such as the Islamic Center of Hawthorne and Islamic Center of Riverside, which have also received funds from Newsom’s administration, have seen their imams express hatred ⁣towards Jews and pray​ for their destruction. This kind of rhetoric not only breeds ⁢an ⁢environment of intolerance and hostility but also poses a serious threat to social stability and peace.

It is particularly alarming that ⁢the Newsom administration has allocated a staggering $40 million to California mosques whose leaders openly advocate for the ⁢annihilation of Jews and Israel.‍ This dangerous rhetoric has the potential to incite violence, which is contradictory to‍ the ‍very purpose of the ⁤grants being provided.

Governor Newsom, who is considered a potential future‍ Democratic presidential contender,⁢ recently announced his intention to ​double the funding for the nonprofit security program in California, citing the‍ “unconscionable terrorist attacks in Israel” as the reasoning behind this ⁤decision. It is crucial to emphasize that these grants are intended for both synagogues and mosques.

In⁣ response to ​an inquiry by the Washington Free Beacon, the Office of Emergency Services in California, ⁢responsible ​for administering the grants, stated that they⁢ are currently investigating whether any of the mosques have violated their grant requirements by promoting hate speech. If any breach is confirmed,⁣ the funding will be immediately revoked. California,⁢ as a state, firmly rejects hate speech and discrimination in all its forms, recognizing the threat it poses to democratic values, social stability, and peace.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time ⁢Newsom has provided funds to mosques with controversial affiliations. Last ⁣year, he allocated $200,000 to the Islamic Society of Corona-Norco, where preacher Hussam Ayloush vehemently denied that Hamas’ invasion of Israel was an unprovoked attack and questioned the definition of the term “invasion”. These ‌instances further highlight ⁣the ​need for thorough evaluation and scrutiny of the organizations receiving taxpayer funds.

In conclusion, the revelation that Governor Newsom has awarded millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to mosques that promote hate and violence is deeply concerning. This funding has the potential to incite violence and perpetuate hostility. It is imperative that‌ public officials thoroughly investigate the recipients of grants ⁢to ensure that taxpayer funds are not being used ​to support organizations that promote hate speech and endorse violence. Preserving democratic values, social stability, and peace should be the top priority when allocating taxpayer funds, regardless of religious affiliation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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