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Foreign Affairs Chairman Reveals How Much ‘Damage’ Biden Caused By Letting Spy Balloon Fly Over Nation

Michael McCaul (R, Texas) is the Chairman of House Foreign Affairs Committee. This was after President Joe Biden allowed a Chinese spy ball to fly over the United States and then shot it down in the Atlantic Ocean off South Carolina.

McCaul made the remarks on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” Margaret Brennan is the host. She discusses the many unidentified objects that were shot down during North American airspace in the past two weeks.

McCaul stated that one of his top priorities was to stop technology being exported to China that could be used by their spy agencies and military.

“In this case, a sophisticated spy balloon that went across three nuclear sites, I think it’s important to say, in plain view of the American people,” He said. “In Montana, the triad site, air, land, and sea nuclear weapons, in Omaha, the spy balloon went over our Strategic Command, which is our most sensitive nuclear site. It was so sensitive that President [George W.] Bush was taken there after 9/11. And then finally, Missouri, the B-2 bomber, that’s where they are placed. It did a lot of damage.”

McCaul claimed that the Chinese piloting a surveillance ballon over these sites was a cause of concern. “great damage” The communist country is capable of gathering more detail images and intelligence from satellites than the United States, which can be a threat to U.S. security.

“It was done with provocation to gather intelligence data, and collect intelligence on our three major nuclear sites in this country,” He said. “Why? Because they’re looking at what- what is our capability in the event of a possible future conflict in Taiwan. They’re really assessing what we have in this country.”

MARGARET BRENNAN – We now go to Congressman Michael McCaul. He is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Good morning.

REP. MICHAEL McCAUL: Morning Margaret. Thank you for having me.

MARGARET BRENNAN : I’d like to get started on this strange activity, three takedowns in just eight days. According to the administration, the spy balloon was Chinese surveillance. On Friday, they put restrictions on six Chinese companies that allegedly helped China’s military build that balloon. Are they trying to make it harder for them access U.S. technology or is this the right decision? Or does Congress need to do something that’s more broad?

REP. MCCAUL: Well, it’s certainly the right move. As the Chairman of this Congress’ Foreign Affairs Committee, I will make it my top priority to prevent technology from being exported to China. This technology then becomes part of their most advanced weapons systems. In this case, a sophisticated spy balloon that went across three nuclear sites, I think it’s important to say, in plain view of the American people. In Montana, there was the triad site of air, land and sea nuclear weapons. In Omaha, the spy plane flew above our Strategic Command, which our most sensitive nuclear facility. The sensitive information was so important that President Bush was taken there following 9/11. And then finally, Missouri, the B-2 bomber, that’s where they are placed. It caused a lot of destruction.

MARGARET BRENAN: Was that what U.S intelligence said to you? They claim they have mitigated the effect.

REP. MCCAUL: They say they mitigated it but my assessment, and- and I can’t get into the detail the intelligence document, is that if it was still transmitting going over these three very sensitive nuclear sites, I think- I think if you look at the flight pattern of the balloon, it tells a story as to what the Chinese were up to as they controlled this aircraft throughout the United States. My opinion is that it would cause serious damage to these sites. Remember that a balloon may see more ground than a satellite.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, you said you want to try to stop the export of technology that can be used by China’s military. To be conservative, this must make you uncomfortable for the government to try to limit private investment. How do you do it?

REP. MCCAUL: Well, we have what’s called an entity’s list, the Department of Commerce had jurisdiction over the office within their- the Department of Defense has one. These should be harmonised and more security-focused. We know that capital flows is one problem, but technology exports to China, which they used to turn, could be a threat. This must stop. It is possible to do it by industry, but they are doing it by companies. They identified six. Surprisingly, the balloon contained American-made parts with English text. It was made from parts that were made in America and put on a spy satellite from China. I don’t

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