Washington Examiner

Alaska to receive up to $2,145 in August SNAP payment on Tuesday.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Payments in Alaska

Exciting‍ news for eligible⁤ recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance ⁢Program (SNAP) in Alaska! Your payments will be arriving on Tuesday.

Alaska is one of the four states that ⁢generously sends out payments to every SNAP-participating household, regardless of case number or last name, on the first day​ of the month. Joining Alaska in this initiative are North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Alaskan SNAP Statistics

In the Last Frontier state, approximately 92,100 people receive food stamps, which accounts for​ about 12% of the Alaskan population. On average, each household member receives a monthly payment of $271.

Regional Payment Variations

The maximum monthly payment for SNAP recipients varies depending ‍on the region in which their household is located. Alaska is divided into three regions ​for food stamp payments: Urban, Rural I, and Rural II.

Urban Region

  • Household of one: Maximum payment of $230
  • Household of four:​ Maximum payment of $767
  • Household of eight: Maximum payment of $1,382
  • Each additional member: Additional $173

Rural I Region

  • Household of one: Maximum payment of $293
  • Household of four: Maximum payment of $979
  • Household of ⁤eight: Maximum payment of $1,762
  • Each additional member: Additional $220

Rural II Region

  • Household ⁣of one: ‍Maximum​ payment of $357
  • Household of four: Maximum payment of $1,191
  • Household of eight: Maximum payment of $2,145
  • Each additional member: Additional ‍$268

Make sure to check out The Washington Examiner for more information.

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