Washington Examiner

Florida to vote on becoming first state to adopt classical education model.

Florida Set to Vote on Adopting a ​Revolutionary Education ​Model

Exciting news is⁣ on‌ the ​horizon for education⁣ in Florida! The state is gearing up to become a ​trailblazer by adopting a groundbreaking classical education model. ​If‌ successful, Florida ⁢will ⁣be the first state to embrace this ​innovative approach.

Altony Lee III, a spokesperson​ for the ⁣Florida Board of Education, revealed to Axios that the board ⁣is scheduled‌ to vote on August 30th to officially adopt this conservative-backed⁢ education ⁤model.⁤ One of the key ⁣changes this model brings​ is the option for students to take the Classical Learning Test (CLT) instead of the traditional⁣ SAT or⁢ ACT. This move was ‌made possible by Governor Ron DeSantis,⁤ who signed a bill in⁤ May allowing the CLT to be used as a determining ⁤factor for‍ state scholarship eligibility. Currently, approximately 200 schools accept CLT scores, with a majority of them​ being religious institutions.

A Unique Test for ⁤a ‍Unique Generation

The ​CLT exam stands out from other ⁤standardized tests in several ways. According⁤ to its website, it prides itself on emphasizing foundational ⁣critical thinking ​skills that transcend‍ educational or cultural trends. This ​means that‍ students from ‍diverse educational backgrounds can excel in this exam. It⁤ truly offers a level⁤ playing field ‌for all.

What sets the CLT apart is ‌its ⁣focus on​ classical literature ⁢and historical texts. ⁣By incorporating these timeless works, the exam ⁤aims to provide ⁣a​ more ​enriching and holistic testing experience. It’s a refreshing departure ⁢from⁤ the⁢ norm.

What to ⁣Expect from the CLT

The CLT assessment consists of three sections: verbal reasoning, grammar ⁤and writing, and quantitative reasoning. Students​ will have two hours to complete the​ test, and ‍the best part is that it can ⁢be taken online for⁢ convenience and accessibility.

However, not everyone is thrilled about this new approach. Left-wing activists have criticized the ‌CLT, claiming that it perpetuates harmful and racist ideologies by⁢ centering European and American heritage as the most important. ​Julian Vasquez Heilig, a professor of educational leadership, research,‍ and technology at Western Michigan University, went as far as calling it “a wolf⁤ in sheep’s clothing.” He believes that the‌ CLT is merely a tool to promote a⁢ specific moral ideology ⁣using selective Western thinkers.

Despite the controversy, the future ⁣of education in Florida ⁣is poised for a ‍remarkable⁢ transformation. The adoption of the ⁢classical ​education model and‍ the CLT test opens up new ‍possibilities and opportunities for students ⁢across the state. It’s an exciting ⁢time to be part ⁤of the educational landscape in Florida!

For more information, check out The ​Washington Examiner.

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