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Florida House Passes Bill Giving DeSantis Control of Disney’s District 82-31

The Florida The State Legislature approved a bill Thursday afternoon with overwhelming support that will remove Disney from its self-governing powers, and give Florida Governor the ability to govern. Ron DeSantis (R) to appoint all five leaders of Disney’s new tax district in Orlando.

Thanks to the supermajority of Republicans in the state House, the bill was passed 82 to 31. The bill now heads to the state Senate where Republicans hold a supermajority to vote on it in the next 36 hours.

DeSantis’ office said that the special tax district, which has allowed Disney to govern themselves since 1967, turned the theme park into “an unaccountable Corporate Kingdom.”

“Florida is dissolving the Corporate Kingdom and beginning a new era of accountability and transparency,” DeSantis’ office said. “These actions ensure a state-controlled district accountable to the people instead of a corporate-controlled kingdom.”

DeSantis’ office said that the legislation:

  • Permanently eliminates Disney’s self-governing status.
  • Imposes a state-controlled, term-limited board — with members appointed by the governor — on Disney and its property.
  • Allows the state to impose taxes on Disney for possible road projects outside of the District’s boundaries.
  • Ensures that Disney pays the $700+ million in unsecured debt — not Florida taxpayers.
  • The Orange County leftist government threatened to take control of the district in order to increase local taxes.
  • Florida law to prohibit Disney from receiving preferential treatment
  • Disney cannot gain more land via eminent Domain
  • This creates an incentive for Disney to support local infrastructure.

DeSantis’ office also Published Below is a list listing some of the powers Disney used to have when they were governing themselves.

  • You can be fully self-governing with a Disney-selected board.
  • The ability to construct airports and nuclear facilities.
  • Acquisition of property beyond the District’s territory by condemnation and eminent domain.
  • Unilateral boundary changes
  • Construction contracts are available for no-bid procurement.
  • Florida Statute has different operating standards.
  • Other companies may need to navigate for exemptions from regulatory approvals and reviews.

DeSantis stated this week during a press conference that Disney was the future. “is going to pay its fair share of taxes, and Disney is going to honor the debt.”

“And that’s exactly what this proposed piece of legislation will do,” He added.  “Now, this is obviously now going to be controlled by the state of Florida, which is no longer self-governing for them. So there’s a new sheriff in town, and that’s just the way it’s gonna be.”

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