Feinstein faces calls to resign as frustration over Senate absence boils over

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s decision not to run for reelection in 2024 was welcomed by progressives who felt that her bipartisan approach was no longer suitable for the political climate. However, since she has been absent from the Senate, some within her own party are now calling for her resignation, claiming that she is not up to the task.

Feinstein, who is 89 years old, has been absent from the Senate since March, when she was hospitalized with shingles. Although she is performing her duties while recovering at home in California, she cannot vote remotely. Her absence has caused frustration for Democrats who lack a majority in the Senate without her vote.

Democrats are particularly concerned with the delays her absence is causing for President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees. The Judiciary Committee, where she holds a seat, is currently deadlocked without her vote, making it difficult for Democrats to advance the president’s judges to the floor without Republican support. The committee has been forced to cancel weeks of markup sessions, and the panel’s chairman, Senator Dick Durbin, has publicly expressed frustration with the situation.

While Democrats in the Senate have been understanding of Feinstein’s health situation, some progressive voices have called for her resignation, including Representatives Ro Khanna and Dean Phillips. The calls have taken on greater weight since Feinstein’s absence is causing significant delays for the Senate and President Biden’s agenda.

Feinstein has responded to these calls in a statement, explaining the complications related to her diagnosis and her intention to return to the Senate as soon as it’s safe for her to travel. She has also offered a temporary compromise by stepping aside from the Judiciary Committee and allowing another Democratic senator to take her place.

Ultimately, the decision over whether Feinstein will resign falls with the Senate. While some argue that the senator’s absence is hindering the ability of the Senate to perform its duties, others view the calls for her resignation as a lack of respect for a female pioneer who broke gender barriers and has been a progressive champion for decades.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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