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Federal Investigators Interview Multiple Aides In Obama Admin Over Biden Classified Doc Scandal: Report

Federal law enforcement officials have reportedly interviewed numerous aides who worked for then-Vice President Joe Biden during the final weeks of the Obama administration over how classified materials were handled that ended up at a Biden think tank and at Biden’s home in Delaware.

The news comes as U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the appointment of former U.S. Attorney Robert Hur — who served during the Trump administration — to serve as special counsel in the investigation.

“On January 5th, 2023, [U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John] Lausch briefed me on the results of his initial investigation and advised me that further investigation by a special counsel was warranted,” Garland . “Based on Mr. Lausch’s initial investigation, I concluded that, under the special counsel regulations, it was in the public interest to appoint a special counsel.”

NBC News reported Federal authorities have made contact with Kathy Chung as one of the former Biden aides. She allegedly helped Biden to pack up his vice president office at the close of the Obama administration. According to the report, Chung is currently deputy director of protocol at Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

“The people who were boxing [up the vice presidential office] had no idea that there was anything in there that shouldn’t leave the White House,” According to a source, NBC News was informed by the investigation. “There was no decision made to take certain documents that should have been presidential records or classified.”

The initial investigation Begin sometime after Biden’s personal attorney found 10 classified documents stashed in an envelope in the president’s private office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington. The envelope was discovered by the attorney November 2, but the discovery was only made public earlier in the week. Richard Sauber, special counsel for the president, stated Monday that the documents were immediately handed to the National Archives to be stored.

Sauber said in a subsequent statement that a review of Biden’s known offices, quarters, and other spaces turned up a second set of classified documents at the president’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, according to The New York Times.

Garland signed an order stating that Hur would investigate “the possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records discovered.”

“The document authorizes him to investigate whether any person or entity violated the law in connection with this matter,” Garland spoke at the press conference. “The special counsel will not be subject to the day-to-day supervision of any official of the department, but he must comply with the regulations, procedures and policies of the department.”

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