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FBI Headquarters Purges Leaked Intelligence Document Targeting ‘Radical-Traditionalist Catholics’

FBI authorities have removed an unclassified intelligence file that targeted traditional Catholics from its system following a whistleblower leak.

Kyle Seraphin, an FBI whistleblower, says that the document was first published in UncoverDCSpecific points to “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists in radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology.” Seraphin stated that FBI liaisons and tripwires are trusted contacts. They can be used to prevent such groups from influencing the next election.

The document identifies the Radical-Traditional Catholic as someone who disapproves of the Second Vatican Council as a valid council for the church, shows disdain towards most popes since Vatican II and often adheres to antisemitic, antiimmigrant and white supremacy ideologies.

In an email, a spokesperson for FBI stated that the FBI began removing the document form its system following learning about it.

“While our standard practice is to not comment on specific intelligence products, this particular field office product — disseminated only within the FBI — regarding racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism does not meet the exacting standards of the FBI,” According to the spokesperson. “Upon learning of the document, FBI Headquarters quickly began taking action to remove the document from FBI systems and conduct a review of the basis for the document.”

“The FBI is committed to sound analytic tradecraft and to investigating and preventing acts of violence and other crimes while upholding the constitutional rights of all Americans and will never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.”

Seraphin spent six years at the bureau as a counterterrorism officer. He was fired in June 2022 for complaining about allegedly questionable activity and refusing to follow the COVID vaccine mandate.

Seraphin wrote for UncoverDC in his piece that the intelligence document shows a permissive toleration within the bureau for leftist ideological actors, which furthers the weaponization FBI against conservative Americans. “investigations into Americans in violation of their God-given, First Amendment-protected civil liberties.”

The document was based on reports from left-leaning sources such as Salon, The Atlantic and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“The document is using poor sourcing to make a very weak link to the FBI’s favorite ‘boogie man’ — white supremacy,” The Daily Wire: Seraphin

Seraphin explained that approval of such documents is usually done through peer review, then by a supervisory intelligence analyst. But the one in question went through review and was ultimately cleared for internal publishing by the Chief Division Counsel — the top attorney — for the Richmond Division.

An analyst footnote mentions The Society of Saint Pius. Officials describe it as an international priestly organization that promotes the traditional Catholic priesthood and traditional Latin Mass.

“The SSPX is currently considered ‘canonically irregular,’” the document reads. “The SSPX has spawned a number of offshoots,” which includes SSPX-Resistance, also referred to as SSPX-Marian Corps.

Such “offshoots” allegedly rejected SSPX’His attempts to reconcile himself with the Vatican failed. He refused to accept Vatican II as valid and binding, while also questioning the legitimacy and validity of all popes since Vatican II.

“The reason they likely chose this group, which I’m not totally confident actually describes any traditional Catholics, is because the SPLC and Salon called them a hate group,” Seraphin spoke. “When you are using unapproved sources for an ‘intelligence product,’ it is likely not a confirmation bias issue with the writer.”

Also, the document relied on information gleaned from investigations. “a growing overlap between the far-right white nationalist movement and” Catholics are still radically traditional.

Authorities have tied the far-right white nationist movement to Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes and other pro-life Americans, whom officials claim were involved in demonstrating anarchy. “increase in hostility” In the wake of the overturning, pro-abortion centers and peoples Roe v. Wade The phrase “abortion rights” It is repeated several times in the document.

Seraphin believes that the FBI could enforce the FACE Act because of alleged hostility to abortion advocates. The FACE Act prohibits anyone using force, threats, or physical obstruction against anyone who seeks or provides reproductive health services.

FBI authorities also assert that Radical-Traditional Catholics are a threat to social media sites unnamed or at “places of worship as facilitation platforms to promote violence.”

Seraphin indicated that published intelligence products could be used to open counterterrorism investigations and cases partly based upon such documents. It also creates a slippery slope for authorities who want to target other traditional Christian groups, like Baptists and Lutherans.

“If this product can be cited as acceptable information, it normalizes the process of looking at any Christian group that holds views that their version of religion is correct, abortion is wrong, LGBT issues don’t belong in politics, or any other hot topic ‘linking’ them to so-called ‘white supremacists,” He said. “It also cracks the glass of what is appropriate to investigate or consider

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