The federalist

FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force removed sources aware of Biden corruption.

The FBI’s Foreign Influence Task‌ Force used a sham assessment opened by FBI headquarters​ to⁢ gather information from confidential human sources (CHS) across the country regarding the Biden family. ​They then falsely ‌labeled this intelligence as “foreign‍ disinformation,” according to Senator Chuck Grassley, ⁣R-Iowa,‍ who revealed this on Wednesday.

This explosive news highlights the extent of the DOJ and FBI’s efforts to protect ⁤the Biden ⁤family, involving more players than previously known. The involvement of the Foreign Influence Task Force,‍ in particular, demands immediate action. It calls for⁤ the House to launch an impeachment inquiry into⁣ FBI Director ⁤Christopher Wray, who allowed this task force to abuse its power and interfere ⁤in a presidential election.

Later‍ in⁢ the ‌day, Grassley released a seven-page letter addressed to Wray ⁣and Attorney General Merrick Garland.⁤ In this letter, Grassley not only addressed the‌ officials but ‍also spoke directly to the American public. He revealed evidence of “significant political bias infecting the decision-making of‍ not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley’s letter summarized the evidence he has gathered over the past​ two years, with the help of Senator‌ Ron Johnson, ​R-Wis.,⁣ and multiple whistleblowers. Among the⁣ important details⁣ in Grassley’s letter is the information about the ‍assessment opened by FBI headquarters’ Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten.

Last year, Grassley made public a whistleblower’s allegations that ‍the FBI ⁤had obtained information about Hunter Biden’s criminal‌ financial activities ⁤in 2020 but shut down the investigation based on ⁢false claims of foreign disinformation. According to Grassley’s source, the ⁣FBI used an⁣ assessment⁣ created by Brian Auten⁤ to discredit negative information about⁤ Hunter Biden as disinformation and halt the investigation.

In his letter to Garland and Wray, Grassley expanded on the whistleblower’s claims, stating that Auten opened the assessment ​in August 2020. The Foreign Influence Task Force then used this assessment to search for information related to the Biden ⁢family at FBI Field Offices across the country and falsely label it as‌ foreign disinformation.

The timing of Auten’s assessment is significant because​ it followed the FBI’s⁣ interview on June 30, 2020, with a highly credible⁢ confidential human source⁤ (CHS) ​who claimed that ⁢the owner of Ukrainian energy company Burisma had paid Hunter ⁢and Joe Biden $5 million each in bribes. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania had requested the FBI⁢ to search for relevant documents, leading to the interview. Grassley’s letter reveals that during this assessment, FBI officials found an earlier document related to⁢ an investigation into Burisma and Hunter Biden’s involvement. This prompted further investigation and ⁤the ⁣FBI’s search for derogatory information ​about the Bidens.

It is clear that Auten’s ⁤assessment was not a coincidence. If one U.S.​ attorney’s office saw the need to involve the FBI in investigating corruption allegations against ‍the Biden family, it ​is ‍likely ‍that other offices and investigators would do⁤ the same. The FBI’s headquarters sought derogatory information about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden by⁢ searching field offices, falsely branding‍ some of​ the information as disinformation.

The exact ‍number of confidential human sources and reports labeled as‍ disinformation by the​ Foreign Influence Task Force is ​unknown. However, Grassley’s whistleblower stated that the FBI’s improper branding of⁣ the information as disinformation led to the cessation of investigative activity.

Grassley’s letter also reveals ‌that the FD-1023, the document related to the investigation, was vetted by ⁤U.S.⁢ Attorney Scott‌ Brady and corroborated some details of the CHS’s ⁣reporting. The U.S. attorneys found no evidence of‍ Russian⁣ disinformation. Despite this, the Foreign Influence​ Task Force attempted to shut down the CHS’s reporting by falsely​ claiming it ⁢was subject to foreign disinformation.

Grassley emphasizes that the basis for trying to shut down the investigation into​ the ⁤Biden​ family​ is highly suspect and contradicted by other documents held by the Foreign Influence Task Force and ‍various ⁣FBI field offices.

While the Foreign Influence Task Force ⁢may not have succeeded in shutting down the CHS behind the investigation, their interference was still significant. IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley revealed that Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who oversaw the⁢ Hunter Biden investigation, had already dismissed any evidence from Pittsburgh as disinformation.

The ⁤Foreign Influence Task Force did⁤ succeed in shutting down other confidential human sources, including one from the Washington field office. This⁤ source’s reporting ​was connected to the Hunter Biden investigation, leading the D.C. field office​ to provide the reporting to the Delaware field office.

In ⁢a ⁣recent testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, former FBI assistant special agent ​Timothy Thibault revealed that he received a call from FBI headquarters regarding the CHS. Thibault was then​ directed to meet with the Foreign⁤ Influence Task Force to discuss their concerns about the CHS, ultimately leading‍ to⁣ the‍ closure‍ of the source.

It is unknown how many ⁤other confidential human sources⁣ were closed or had their reporting falsely labeled as misinformation by FBI headquarters or the Foreign Influence ⁤Task Force. Grassley’s letter⁢ highlights that ‍at one⁣ point, ‍the FBI ​had over 40 ⁣confidential human sources providing⁢ criminal information about ⁤Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden.

Grassley ⁣raises important ⁤questions about‍ whether the FBI properly investigated​ the ‍evidence provided by these sources‍ or if they were unjustly shut down. He has a list ‌of DOJ and FBI ‌personnel to be interviewed to find⁣ answers. It is crucial for the House to‌ not only question the personnel identified by Grassley but also initiate an impeachment inquiry⁢ into FBI Director Wray. The revelation ‌of the ⁢Foreign Influence Task Force’s interference in the Biden investigation demonstrates that Wray cannot control his subordinates.


⁣ What role did U.S. Attorney ⁢Scott Brady play in ​vetting the FD-1023‍ document related to‌ the⁣ investigation into the Biden ​family

⁣The ‍FBI’s Foreign ⁣Influence ‌Task Force has⁤ come under scrutiny for using a sham⁣ assessment to gather information on ‌the​ Biden family, according to Senator Chuck⁣ Grassley. In a letter addressed to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General⁣ Merrick Garland, Grassley revealed evidence of political bias and abuse of ‍power within the FBI ⁣and DOJ.

The assessment in question was opened by FBI headquarters’ Supervisory ⁤Intelligence ​Analyst Brian Auten in August 2020.⁤ The Foreign Influence Task Force then used ​this assessment to search for information regarding the Biden family at FBI Field Offices across the country and falsely labeled it as foreign disinformation. This misleading categorization effectively halted​ the⁤ investigation‌ into Hunter Biden’s criminal​ financial activities.

The​ timing of‌ Auten’s assessment is noteworthy, as it followed the FBI’s interview with a confidential human source​ who alleged ​that the owner of Ukrainian energy company Burisma had paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in bribes. ⁣This interview prompted⁤ the ⁤U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District⁣ of Pennsylvania to request‌ the FBI’s involvement in the investigation. Grassley’s letter reveals that during Auten’s assessment, FBI officials discovered an earlier document related⁣ to Burisma ‍and ‍Hunter Biden’s involvement, leading to further investigation and⁢ the search ​for derogatory information about the Bidens.

It is evident that‍ Auten’s assessment was not a coincidence, as the ⁣involvement ⁢of multiple U.S. attorney’s offices‍ and investigators suggests ‌a widespread concern regarding the Biden family’s ​alleged corruption. However, the FBI’s labeling of‍ the information as disinformation obstructed the investigation and⁣ impeded the efforts ⁢to uncover the truth.

The exact number ⁢of confidential human sources and reports that were falsely labeled as disinformation by the Foreign Influence Task⁣ Force remains unknown. Grassley’s whistleblower‌ has stated that this improper branding of information as disinformation led to ‍the cessation of investigative activity.

Grassley’s ⁤letter also highlights that the FD-1023 document related to the⁤ investigation was vetted by⁤ U.S. Attorney⁤ Scott Brady, who found⁢ no evidence of Russian disinformation. Despite ⁣this, the Foreign Influence ⁤Task Force attempted to shut‍ down the reporting by ⁤falsely claiming it was subject to foreign disinformation.⁢ This⁢ raises doubts about the legitimacy ⁣of the basis for trying ⁤to halt the investigation into the Biden family.

Although the Foreign ‌Influence Task Force may not have succeeded in⁤ shutting down the investigation entirely, their

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