FBI Agent Who Allegedly Killed Hunter Biden Laptop Probe Resigns, Reportedly Escorted From HQ

A top FBI official who GOP lawmakers say smothered the probe of Hunter Biden’s damning laptop before the 2020 election resigned last week and was escorted from headquarters, according to a report.

Timothy Thibault, an assistant special agent in charge who previously posted anti-Trump messages on social media, was seen leaving the building Friday, sources told The Washington Times.

“Mr. Thibault’s blatant partisanship undermined the work and reputation of the FBI,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told the newspaper. “This type of bias in high-profile investigations casts a shadow over all of the bureau’s work that he was involved in, which ranged from opening an investigation into Trump based on liberal news articles to shutting down investigative activity into Hunter Biden that was based on verified information.”

FBI DC agent Timothy Thibault who buried #LaptopFromHell leaves FBI. Accused also of purging unvaxxed staff he suspected of Trumpism. Also purged anyone who attended the J6 Trump rally. This is why Dems love J6 and vax mandates. Assists the purge https://t.co/h8DidYbh7E

— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) August 29, 2022

More than a dozen whistleblowers have come forward to Grassley, fellow Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WS), and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to decry left-wing bias in the bureau’s upper echelons.

Thibault in particular hid evidence from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland in order to win their approval to open an investigation of former President Trump, according to Grassley.

Thibault, an assistant special agent in charge and 25-year veteran of the bureau, was forced to resign, the sources said. He had been on leave for at least a month following allegations of allowing political bias to influence his work.

Last week, Johnson said whistleblowers have told him FBI brass barred agents from investigating the laptop and called on Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to investigate the bureau’s handling of the laptop.

The computer, which Hunter Biden abandoned at a Wilmington, Delaware, computer repair shop, is believed to have been in the possession of the FBI since late 2019, more than a year before the election.

Photos, videos, emails, and text messages on the abandoned laptop, which were also ignored by legacy news outlets, paint the president’s son as a drug-addled, venal degenerate and raise troubling questions about President Joe Biden’s own role in his son’s corrupt dealings. A recent poll by Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics suggested that 79% of Americans believe President Trump likely would have won re-election if voters had known about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop and that it was authentic.

The computer contains photos of Hunter Biden naked and smoking crack, unseemly discussions about his family, and sexual activities, and references to the role of the “Big Guy” in corrupt dealings with foreign entities. The “Big Guy” has been named by former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski as Joe Biden.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers earlier this month that he could not comment on what, if anything, the bureau is doing regarding the laptop. But he said he found reports that the bureau refused to pursue a laptop investigation ahead of the election “deeply troubling.”

The laptop revelations come as the bureau deals with the fallout of the raid on Trump’s Florida home earlier this month.

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