Washington Examiner

Fauci defends gain-of-function research: ‘It needs to be regulated’

Dr. Anthony FauciThe former director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was defended gain-of-function Research on Thursday, but he warned of the need to regulate this practice.

Some scientists think that China was involved in conducting these experiments. gain-of-function When to research Pandemic COVID-19 It began when a Wuhan lab leak led to the pandemic.


Fox News’s Neil Cavuto Frequently Asked Questions Fauci speaks out about gain-of function research.

Fauci rejected the idea that the pandemic was caused by a laboratory leak, and preferred a theory that it resulted from an animal-to human transmission.

“If you’re looking at something where you deliberately make a pathogen more transmissible or more pathogenic — namely, causing more severe disease — there’s very few reasons to do that,” Fauci said.

“But if you look at the whole array of virologists and scientists that do research that’s absolutely critical for the health of the country, some of that involves manipulating organisms that you can call ‘gain-of-function.’ When it is [gain of function], it needs to be regulated,” He concluded.

FILE: Dr. Anthony Fauci (Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) speaks during a briefing at The White House on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022.

Fauci continued, “Did you get the flu shot this year, Neil? If you did, and you got it from an influenza vaccine, that was gain of function that made that influenza vaccine. So that’s what people don’t understand.”

Fauci stated that scientists believe it is necessary to manipulate organisms under controlled conditions.

“I think the entire scientific community of virology and infectious disease would argue strongly that if you shut down all of that research, a lot of things that are important for the health of the country would not be able to be done,” Fauci said.

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Fauci’s claim that some gain-of function research was required was rejected by Robert Redfield, Director of Redfield. At a hearing before the House COVID-19 origin,

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