‘F*** Joe Biden’: NASCAR Fans Tell Reporter What They Signed On Finish Line At Daytona 500


At least one fan apparently wrote a message to President Joe Biden on the finish line of the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida, this weekend.

During a live interview with NASCAR fans at the Daytona 500, a reporter from FOX 35 Orlando asked: “What are you going to sign on that finish line?”

“What do you think I’m going to sign?” one man told the reporter, video shows. “I’m going to sign ‘F*** Joe Biden’!”

“That’s the risk we have here when we broadcast live,” the reporter said, after quickly moving on from the fan.

He didn’t have much luck with the next fan, either, though.

“I love the American flag shirt” the reporter said to a man in an American flag shirt. “What are you going to sign on the checkered line?”

“Um, I just did,” the fan replied. “Would you like to see what I wrote?”

“Just tell me — is it clean?” the reporter asked.

“It is not clean,” the fan responded.

It’s unclear what the man really wrote, but a woman narrating the shocking moment speculated: “F*** Joe Biden,” she said with a laugh.


At a NASCAR race last year, fans chanted “F*** Joe Biden” while an NBC reporter was interviewing race winner Brandon Brown. The reporter notably claimed fans were actually cheering on Brown, telling viewers fan were saying, “Let’s go Brandon.” Now, “Let’s go Brandon” has become synonymous with “F*** Joe Biden.”

The anti-Biden expression has since popped up at concerts, sporting events, and protests.

Beloved host and advocate for blue-collar workers Mike Rowe explained in December the real meaning behind the highly-popularized, “clever,” and “hysterical” chant.

“The times that we’re living in right now are forcing lots of people on both sides of the aisle to look at a thing, or hear a thing, and be told that what they’re seeing and what they’re hearing is not real,” Rowe said. “And you can’t do that to people indefinitely and expect them not to push back somehow. You can’t tell people that the border is secure and then show them images of tens of thousands of people flooding over it. You can’t tell people that the evacuation of Afghanistan was a success and then show them people falling off of a plane. … And you can’t ask people who are watching a NASCAR race at home, who clearly hear the crowd yelling ‘F*** Joe Biden’ to pretend that what they’re really hearing is ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’”

“I think what’s happened is people have just become sick and tired of being told that what they’re seeing and what they’re hearing is not what they’re seeing and hearing,” Rowe emphasized.

“And this is the perfect trope,” he continued. “I don’t think people who yell it are necessarily enemies of the president. I think they’re enemies of being told that what they’re seeing and what they’re hearing isn’t real, that it’s somehow a figment of their imagination. People are sick of that.”

Related: Matt Walsh’s Sarcastic Thread On Media Dragging ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Dad Goes Viral: Left ‘Never’ Shows ‘Disrespect’

Related: ‘Let’s Go Brandon’: Kid’s Dad Trolls Biden During Santa Tracker Call — And Biden Responds

Related: ‘In Any Case’: Nancy Pelosi Flustered When ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chant Interrupts Speech

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