'Explains Everything': Libs Triggered After Aaron Rodgers Says He Has Atlas Shrugged on Bookshelf


It seems like hardly a week goes by without Packers QB Aaron Rodgers finding a new way to torment and trigger the left, and this week is no exception.

During an interview on ESPN’s Manning Cast with Peyton and Eli Manning, Aaron Rodgers pointed out that he has Ayn Rand’s classic Atlas Shrugged on his bookshelf.

The fact that Aaron Rodgers – notorious contrarian to the leftist narrative on Covid vaccines and cancel culture – would have a copy of the pro-capitalist book, which so accurately points out the failures of government coercion on his bookshelf, sent the left into hysterics.

Of course, not everyone was upset to learn of Rodgers’ reading preferences:

But for the most part, because most people on Twitter are terrible, people were upset. The best part of all is the smile Rodgers has on his face as he casually points over his shoulder to the copy of Atlas Shrugged behind him. Knowing full well, probably, the hysterical bleating reactions it would spark on Twitter.

Aaron Rodgers has become a most unexpected and welcome addition to the list of NFL players pushing back against the leftist narrative. Of course, it’s a very short list, but Rodgers is definitely at the top.

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