The bongino report

Experts Say New NIH Gain-Of-Function Regulations Fall Far Short Of Protecting The Public

Fauci’s failure to be a good inspector at NIH is causing alarm.

It seems we get new evidence of the malpractice going on at Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) every week at this point. And all of that evidence continues to point to illegal and dangerous gain-of-function research gone awry in the Wuhan lab—research the American people were unknowingly paying for.

Just released by the Inspector General for Department of Health and Human Services, a Bombshell new report This report examined three grants that the NIH gave to EcoHealth Alliance, a notorious non-profit organization that was used to cover their tracks. EcoHealth received $8 million between 2014-2021. Some of this money went to the Wuhan laboratory.

The IG’s audit found a lack of oversight by The NIH and EcoHealth not only at the Chinese facility, but also in other labs that received these government grants.

“Although NIH and EcoHealth had established monitoring procedures, we found deficiencies in complying with those procedures limited NIH and EcoHealth’s ability to effectively monitor federal grant awards and subawards to understand the nature of the research conducted, identify potential problem areas, and take corrective action,” the Report said.

Senator Rand Paul, who has been at the forefront of bringing these matters to light and exposing Dr. Fauci’s lies, released a statement following the report that said, “The Inspector General confirms what we already knew—NIH failed to conduct oversight of EcoHealth Alliance’s grant awards. The continued funding of EcoHeath Alliance despite its repeated noncompliance with federal regulations and policies further demonstrates the need to reform oversight of risky research paid for the American taxpayers.”

We recently reportedEcoHealth Alliance received $3 million more from the Department of Defense. 

It’s high past time that Congress fully investigates the origins of COVID, defunds EcoHealth Alliance, and reinstates a ban on gain-of-function research (one that we actively enforce this time around). 

A group of Republican Senators introduced Legislation Roger Marshall would be the top sponsor. The bill would ban federal government from giving “institutions of higher education, or other research institutes, that are conducting gain-of-function research” funds. This rule was previously in effect under Barack Obama. However, Trump lifted it in 2017.

Gain of function research is too risky and involves torturing animals. Taxpayers should not be allowed to fund it. The lawbreakers who funded it between 2014 and 2017 must be held responsible. EcoHealth Alliance should also be held responsible. Taxpayers should never pay a dime to groups like EcoHealth Alliance.

Disclaimer: Hannah Cox is an associate at the White Coat Waste Project. 

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Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is a libertarian-conservative writer and co-founder of BASEDPolitics. She is also host of BASEDPolitics Podcast and an experienced political activist.

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