Expert Warns Biden Has Launched ‘Four-Prong Attack Against’ Second Amendment, Advises How To Respond

Expert Warns Biden Has Launched ‘Four-Prong Attack Against’ Second Amendment, Advises How To Respond

A top expert on the Second Amendment warned in an interview this week that President Joe Biden has launched a “four-prong” attack against the Second Amendment and already has more plans to dismantle it.

“It’s a four-prong attack against firearms ownership in the country,” Alan Gottlieb, the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, said in an interview this. “One is universal background check is really a universal registration system. Second is banning of assault weapons and then defining assault weapons as almost any semi-automatic firearm. Third is banning magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, you know, again, hurts people twice for self defense in our country, and then attacking the firearms industry so that any criminal that goes out and misuses a gun, the gun manufacturer can be sued for it, it’s going to put the industry out of business and nobody can buy a gun.”

“And that’s just what he wants legislatively,” Gottlieb said. “That’s not even what he’s talking about on executive orders. There’s a lot more of those coming to and appearing, some might be coming down the pike pretty soon.”

Gottlieb’s remarks come after Biden called for Congress last week to ban “assault weapons” and so-called “high-capacity” magazines. The call for a ban on “assault weapons” is effectively a call to ban semi-automatic firearms and the call to ban “high-capacity” magazines is usually regarded as a call to ban magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds, although Biden has explicitly stated that he wants to ban magazines that can hold “multiple bullets” which is all magazines and would effectively be a call to ban the overwhelming majority of firearms.

Gottlieb later stated that Biden has a slew of executive orders that he is considering to crackdown on American’s Second Amendment rights. White House press secretary Jen Psaki essentially confirmed that this week when she said that Biden has “a range of actions at his disposal” when it comes to attacking Second Amendment rights and that Biden has not “ruled out” using executive action.

Gottlieb said that he is concerned Biden could use executive action to redefine firearms to make it harder to get currently unregulated items. If Biden tries to do that, he said, the Second Amendment Foundation will immediately sue the administration.

Gottlieb warned that another area of major concern was that Biden could try to sneak his gun control agenda into a separate must-pass piece of legislation, which he said is how former President Bill Clinton got his gun ban passed.

Regarding how conservatives and pro-gun activists can push back on the Biden administration’s anti-gun agenda, Gottlieb said people need to be regularly calling their state and federal-level representatives to let them know where they stand on the issue, something they should do on a regular basis. “Likewise, get involved engaged with all the state national gun rights groups across the country,” Gottlieb continued. “You know, we can’t put all our guns in one basket.”

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