EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand Answers From AG Merrick Garland After Whistleblower Reveals Info That Contradicts Testimony

A group of House Republicans including Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs sent a letter Friday to Attorney General Merrick Garland. They’re demanding a list of answers after a Department of Justice (DOJ) whistleblower claimed the FBI ordered personnel to compile parent-threat assessments.

The Daily Caller first obtained the letter, spearheaded by Biggs and signed by 14 other House Republicans. In it, the lawmakers ask Garland 15 questions after reviewing the leaked documents obtained by the House Judiciary Committee. The FBI created a “threat tag” titled “EDUOFFICIALS” to track instances of threats against school officials, according to a joint statement by the Assistant Directors of the Bureau’s Criminal Investigative Division and the Counterterrorism Division.

The joint statement was released the day before Garland’s testimony and a day before the documents were leaked by the DOJ whistleblower to the committee. (RELATED: FBI Counterterrorism Division Reportedly Created ‘Threat Tag’ For Parents)

“Concerned parents are not domestic terrorists,” Biggs told the Daily Caller. “This isn’t an opinion; it is a fact. The Department of Justice should be investigating actual threats, not parents who are exercising their constitutional rights. Attorney General Garland owes Congress and every targeted parent an explanation for his politically-driven actions. We will not tolerate the weaponization of the DOJ and the soviet-style surveillance of the American people.”


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

The 14 House Republicans who joined Biggs on the letter include: Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry, Virginia Rep. Bob Good, Texas Rep. Michael Cloud, Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn, Montana Rep. Matthew Rosendale, North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop, North Carolina Rep. Ted Budd, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan, Illinois Rep. Mary Miller, Florida Rep. Bill Posey and Virginia Rep. Ben Cline. (RELATED: Federal Bureau Of Incompetence: An Analysis Of The FBI’s Most Embarrassing Failures)

The lawmakers asked Garland to respond to their questions and provide them with the information requested no later than Dec. 3 2021.

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