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Disney’s popularity drops among conservatives due to Snow White controversy.

According to ​a ‍recent survey by Rasmussen Reports, Disney ⁢has failed​ to win over ⁣conservative Americans who⁤ have become⁢ disillusioned with the entertainment industry giant’s woke politics. The survey, conducted in late September, revealed that over 60% of Republicans hold an unfavorable opinion of Disney, with 35% expressing ⁢a “very​ unfavorable” view. In contrast, 61% of Democrats view Disney favorably. These results clearly ‍show a stark divide along ​political lines.

The survey​ also indicates that Disney’s woke politics have had a real-time impact on its popularity. A previous ‍poll conducted⁣ in March 2022, during a high-profile clash between Disney and Florida Governor​ Ron DeSantis,‌ showed similar unfavorable ratings from Republicans. Democrats, on ​the other hand, consistently held ⁣a favorable view ​of ⁢Disney. This pattern persisted even after‌ Bob Chapek, the then-CEO, publicly⁤ criticized DeSantis for targeting⁢ the LGBTQ+ community.

In addition to these findings, a ⁤video emerged in March ⁢of​ a Disney producer admitting to pushing a “not-at-all ‍secret gay agenda” in the ⁤company’s content. These revelations further fueled the ‌discontent⁢ among conservative audiences.

While Disney’s best polling performance came earlier this year when only 54% of Republicans⁤ viewed it ⁣unfavorably, the company’s attempts to “quiet things down” ⁢on the political front under new CEO⁣ Bob‍ Iger have⁢ been unsuccessful. Disney​ found itself embroiled in controversy again when the lead actress in its Snow ⁣White remake ⁢criticized the classic love ​story ‌as “extremely​ dated” and labeled the prince​ as a stalker.

Furthermore, GLAAD recently praised Disney for including LGBTQ content in 41% of its films in 2022, making ‍it ​the⁤ second most “LGBTQ-inclusive”⁤ studio.⁤ However, this embrace⁤ of ​radical politics ​has come⁣ at a cost.⁤ Analysts estimate that ‍Disney’s standing with conservative audiences‍ may have resulted in a loss of nearly $1 billion, as its ⁣major theatrical releases underperformed​ at the box ‌office.

A Gallup⁣ poll released this week revealed that a majority of Americans, nearly 60%, ⁤believe that companies ⁢should avoid politics. Only 37% ⁢of Americans think businesses​ should take a public stance on‌ LGBTQ+ issues. These findings suggest that Disney’s ​foray⁢ into radical politics may not⁢ align with the preferences of the general public.

Disney’s embrace of woke politics⁤ has been evident for ⁤years. The company has threatened to boycott states over ‍legislation, partnered with Colin Kaepernick, fired actress⁣ Gina Carano over conservative social media posts,‍ and‌ injected liberalism into classic cartoons. These actions ‍have further alienated conservative audiences.

In conclusion, Disney’s woke politics have not resonated⁣ with conservative Americans, leading to a significant decline in its favorability among Republicans. The company’s attempts to appease critics and “quiet​ things down”‍ have⁣ been unsuccessful,⁤ resulting in financial losses and a growing ‍sentiment among Americans ⁣that companies should ‌avoid ⁤politics.

How has the changing landscape of the entertainment ⁣industry contributed to ⁢the disconnect between Disney ‌and conservative Americans

Ontext of ‌Disney’s content. The producer, who later identified ⁤as a member of the ⁣LGBTQ+ community, stated that Disney intentionally includes queer characters and ⁤storylines ​in their‍ movies ⁤and shows to promote acceptance and representation. While this‌ revelation may⁢ have been praised by ‍progressive viewers, it⁤ only further alienated conservative‍ Americans who believe in traditional family values and find​ such content inappropriate for children.

It is important⁤ to note‌ that Disney’s perceived shift towards woke politics is not limited to their content. ‌The ​company has ​also been⁣ actively involved in​ political campaigns and advocacy.​ For example, Disney ‍has donated significant amounts of money to the Democratic⁢ Party and has ​publicly supported liberal causes ⁤such as gun control and​ environmentalism. These actions have reinforced the perception that ⁢Disney has‍ become‌ a bastion⁤ of left-wing ideology,​ which has ​evidently not resonated well with conservative Americans.

The⁢ disconnect between Disney and conservative Americans can also be attributed to the changing landscape of ⁤the entertainment industry. As streaming services gain popularity and provide an array of options to ⁣consumers, traditional media giants​ like Disney face increased competition. This creates ‌an opportunity for alternative platforms that‍ cater specifically to ⁢conservative audiences. Companies like The Daily Wire ⁤and Blaze Media have capitalized on this‌ demand, offering conservative-leaning content‌ that resonates with their target ​audience.

Given the findings from the survey, it is clear that Disney’s⁣ woke politics have ⁣impacted its ⁤reputation among conservative Americans. The unfavorable ratings from Republicans and the significant‍ divide between Democrats and Republicans suggest that ⁢Disney’s ⁤attempt to align itself with progressive⁣ causes ‍has alienated a large portion of its customer base. This should serve as a wake-up ⁣call for Disney to consider the diversity of ​political ideologies in its ‍audience and the potential consequences of leaning too ⁣heavily in‌ one direction.

In conclusion,⁢ the survey ⁣conducted by Rasmussen‍ Reports confirms that Disney has failed to win over​ conservative⁣ Americans who‌ are disillusioned with ⁢the company’s woke politics. The​ unfavorable ratings ​from Republicans, the ‌persistent divide​ between Democrats⁢ and Republicans, and the real-time impact on Disney’s popularity underline the importance of political neutrality ⁣in the entertainment industry. It ​is imperative ⁣for companies like Disney to recognize and respect the diversity of their audience’s political beliefs ⁢to maintain broad appeal and avoid alienating significant portions of ‍their⁢ customer base.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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