EXCLUSIVE: ‘A Republican Majority Isn’t Enough’ — Rep. Chip Roy To Release Ad Slamming 13 GOP Reps Who Voted For Biden’s Infrastructure Bill

Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy will release an advertisement Tuesday for his 2022 Congressional reelection bid slamming the 13 House Republicans who voted for President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

The Daily Caller first obtained the video, where Roy mentions a number of issues such as taking on Big Tech and Big Pharma, as well as taking on those in his own party. Roy said he will not be canceled and will not back down. Roy also said a Republican majority is not enough.

“A Republican majority isn’t enough — just days ago, thirteen Republicans voted with Democrats to advance Biden’s agenda — we need a majority who will fight for America’s agenda with the courage to speak the truth and to take on the 21st-Century tyrants of Big Tech and Big Pharma, and—yes—the go-along, get-along establishment in our own party,” Roy says in the video

“That doesn’t make me the most popular guy in Washington. But I didn’t run to play their game; I won’t be canceled. I won’t back down. Because I’m running to represent Texas; preserve our God-given rights; secure the border, and leave our kids a country that is strong, proud and free,” Roy added. (RELATED: ‘Old Crow Mitch McConnell’ — Trump Tears Into McConnell Over Infrastructure Bill)


The 13 Republicans who crossed party lines and voted for the legislation are New York Rep. John Katko, Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon, New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew, Alaska Rep. Don Young, Michigan Rep. Fred Upton, Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Ohio Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, New York Rep. Tom Reed, New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, New York Rep. Andrew Garbarino, New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick and West Virginia Rep. David McKinley. (RELATED: Here Are The 13 House Republicans Who Voted For Biden’s Infrastructure Bill)

“Just being Republican and saying all the right buzz words isn’t enough. America needs and deserves conservatives who will stand up and fight for her, have the courage to speak the truth, and not cave to the Biden Pelosi agenda,” Roy told the Daily Caller before releasing the ad.

The package passed the House with a 228-206 vote, as 13 Republicans and 6 Democrats voted for and against the bill.

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