the bongino report

Even DC’s Mayor Is Starting to Think DC City Council Is Getting Too Lenient on Crime

WEven Washington, D.C.’s leftist mayor, hen
Muriel Bowser
According to, the D.C. Council is becoming dangerously permissive on crime.
It is clear that this has gone too far.

The council is expected to vote on Tuesday to override Bowser’s veto of a bill to penalties for serious
Such as carjacking, home invasion thefts and homicide. This would allow a city that restricts gun rights for law-abiding citizens to reduce the penalties for felons who illegally possess guns or commit other crimes.


The bill would abolish mandatory minimum sentences, life sentences, and all mandatory life sentences. Maximum There are penalties for all major crimes. Judges could not lock particularly vicious offenders away for so long.

One provision would permit people charged with misdemeanors or minor offenses to ask for jury trials. As U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves predicted, this would result in a “tripling or quadrupling” Jury trials. An overstaffed court system would have a lot of backlogs. This would allow violent criminals to be released on bail while waiting for their cases.

Other key officials opposed to the bill include Washington’s city administrator and its police chief, numerous advisory neighborhood commissioners, and victims’ rights advocates. They have good reasons. Although
the bill
Includes a 42-page tendentious section “racial equity impact assessment,” its supporters’ concerns about incarceration rates of nonwhite people do not seem to be matched by concern about the disproportionate percentage of crime For victims Who
are nonwhite
. According to numerous statistics, allowing violent criminals to return on the streets will result in a lot of problems.
 more black and Hispanic victims

To put it bluntly, the council’s bill is nuts. The rest is reeling from violent crime rising in the wake of mass-murder efforts. “decarceration.” But the nation’s capital is still caught up in the fantasy that letting bad guys go free will help matters. The district’s crime rates have skyrocketed, and the city’s police union
complains vociferously
Information about council members pushing weak on crime policies

The left-wing madness goes far beyond the D.C. Council. It is common for reasonable attempts to avoid minor offenses being overincarcerated to lead to foolish decisions to allow more serious crimes to be committed. Millions of dollars in donations by George Soros to the uber-leftist billionaire George Soros have made it impossible for judges and prosecutor to do their jobs. In the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, police budgets were cut.

The results were predictable. Bad public policies have led to the rise of the most violent crimes in recent years, particularly in large Democratic-run cities and states ruled by liberal supermajorities. 25 percent more criminals are committing murders, assaults and rapes than they were a decade ago. The postFloyd spike was particularly alarming, with the national murder rate increasing by astonishing 30% in 2020.

Rafael Mangual, a Manhattan Institute fellow, said the following: “we have lowered the ‘transaction cost’ of committing crimes, while we have raised the transaction cost of deterring crime.” This is the type of arithmetic which can lead to disaster.

The D.C. Council ought to listen to Bowser on this issue — and to the police chief, the U.S. attorney, and the victims of crime. It must immediately resign from this ideological madness.


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