The bongino report

European Union to Give Soros’ Open Society Foundations $3.5 Million in Funding

The European Union confirmed it would provide $3.5 Million in funding for the Open Society Foundation. It was founded by a left-wing billionaire. George Soros.

The funding will support the Open Society Foundation’s efforts towards promoting “EU values” Bulgaria, Czechia Slovakia, Hungary, and to raise awareness of rights and values through support for civil society organisations.

Despite all the controversy surrounding Soros Foundation, the EU has succeeded despite the problems. Breitbart, that it is working in active collaboration with the group reported.

European politicians have criticized the Foundation’s decision to give taxpayer money to it, despite the fact that the Foundation is already richly funded by its billionaire founder.

Cristian Terhes, Romanian MP for Europe has called for EU reforms and decision-making authority to be given back to the people instead of being held in the hands big-money lobbyists like Soros.

Senior figure Jorge Buxadé of Spain’s VOX party also expressed opposition to the EU’s decision, calling it “globalism and destruction of nations in its purest form, financed with your money.”

“Soros Open Europe Foundation frequently meets and lobbies the European Commission for the promotion of anti-nation, anti-family, anti-life, anti-fundamental rights policies across EU,” the Christian Democratic National Peasants’ Party representative said.

“The fact that his organization got three million euros out of taxpayers’ money from his eurocrat puppets is another confirmation why the EU needs a deep reform, where the states will take back decision-making powers from these unelected and accountable bureaucrats,” He continued, stating that power must be. “brought back to the people.”

In the past, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has referred to Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world.”

Soros has returned the accusations, calling Orbán a “kleptocrat” He has devised a sophisticated system to rob Hungary.

The Open Society Foundation denied any involvement in the support for the Catalonian independence Movement.

These two EU-funded projects will be launched in the new year and last for 36 months.

READ MORE New York Post Declares George Soros ‘The Most Dangerous Man in America’

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