The bongino report

Eric Swalwell Attempts to Act Intimidating After Being Booted From Intel Committee

Rep. Eric Swalwell Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), stated that (D-CA). “regret” He should be kept away Intelligence CommitteeHe promised to use his time to be a thorn on the side of the House speaker.

McCarthy has pledged to keep Swalwell (D.CA) and Rep. Adam Schiff(D-CA) from the Intelligence Committee and Rep. Ilhan Ozmar (D.MN) from the Foreign Affairs Committee. Democrats claim this is retaliation against Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene Paul Gosar (R–AZ) and (R–GA) were stripped of their respective committee assignments at Congress’s beginning.


Swalwell was removed from the committee because of a past relationship to an alleged Chinese spy. Schiff was fired for suggesting that Trump colluded and won the 2016 election with Russia. Omar was fired by Republicans for making anti-Israeli comments.

“He’s going to regret the day that he has given me more free time, Lawrence, because I’m not going to be quiet. I’m not going to back down,” Swalwell stated on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell MSNBC Monday night.

Greene’s defiance echoes Greene’s feeling of liberation after she lost her committees for previous social media posts supporting the QAnon conspiracy. She claimed she was a woman in February 2021. “free” to work for her constituents, not on committees controlled primarily by Democrats.

“I’ve been freed. I do. I feel free because — you know what’s happening on these committees? You see, we have basically a tyrannically controlled government right now,” Greene stated at the time.

Swalwell was on the program with Omar, Schiff and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. (D-NY). requested McCarthy will deny McCarthy’s request that they serve on previous committees. Schiff was the Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat. Omar had a seat in the Foreign Affairs Committee.


“What we’re seeing here is that the new McCarthy looks a lot like the old McCarthy — an individual who would abuse their political power to exact political vengeance,” Swalwell continued. “And in my case, he’s doing it under the fig leaf of false claims that, as the Washington Post fact-checker pointed out, gave him four Pinocchios in the same, just as bogus claims about Chairman Schiff and Ms. Omar.”

McCarthy permitted Greene and Gosar to have an animated video showing violence against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), which was posted by Gosar last Congress. committee assignments After the Republicans won control of the lower chamber earlier in this month, they have taken it back again.

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