the epoch times

Missouri Congresswoman takes action against online child exploitation.

A Missouri congresswoman introduces bipartisan ​legislation to combat child sex trafficking

A ‍Missouri congresswoman,⁤ Republican Rep. Ann Wagner, has taken a stand against the sexual exploitation of innocent ⁣children by introducing a groundbreaking bipartisan legislation. This legislation aims to enhance the reporting requirements of online platforms regarding the heinous crime of child sex trafficking.

“America cannot, and should not, accept a reality where innocent children are sexually exploited for financial gain,” emphasized Rep. Ann Wagner ​in a powerful press release. “Congress must do everything in its power to end this scourge‍ against humanity, and my ‌legislation will help protect innocent victims from some of the most destructive criminals in our society.”

Joining forces with Reps. Don Bacon (R-Nebraska) and⁣ Zach⁢ Nunn (R-Iowa), Rep. Ann Wagner’s legislation has gained significant support. Together, they⁢ are determined to combat this grave issue and ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable children.

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