The bongino report

EMP: America’s Biggest Military Threat Today

On August 20, 2022, which was also my birthday, I was shocked to learn of my loss. learn of the passing Peter Vincent Pry is a great American patriot. While I didn’t know Peter quite well enough to call him a true friend, we definitely had a mutually respectful professional acquaintanceship. Dr. Pry’s passing was a devastating blow to patriotic Americans everywhere concerned about securing our nation’s grid infrastructure from the threat of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strike, as he is one of our most tireless advocates For this critical national security concern.

A successful EMP strike versus the U.S. would cause a complete catastrophe, which would essentially bring in new era. “The End of the World as We Know It” (TEOTWAWKI), Yet, the  Biden Administration is failing to do anything about it.

EMP Explained and Defined

Michaela Dodge and her colleagues at the Heritage Foundation have provided us with a very useful breakdown of the EMP threat in layman’s terms:

(1) thermonuclear weapon is detonated at an altitude of 25 miles or more above the Earth’s atmosphere, releasing a burst of gamma radiation;

(2) gamma rays Impact air molecules are used to strip electrons from these negatively charged particles and drive them to around 90 percent speed of light. At higher altitudes, reduced air density allows the electrons more freedom and maximizes EMP intensity.

(3) the electrons are drawn by the Earth’s magnetic poles into a corkscrew pattern, unleashing enormous levels of electromagnetic radiation onto the Earth’s surface;

(4) The power grid and metal in electronic devices like computers, radios, and other electronics are the main targets of the EMP. It runs wild through tiny circuits, likely causing severe or complete destruction.

That means that everything, from your iPhone to your laptop to your electronic fuel injection system (EFI) in post-carburetor era cars to your heating and cooling systems are all completely fried. Modern post-agricultural, post-Industrial Revolution society ceases functioning. 

The Trump Administration Takes Action …

Donald Trump, love or hate or hate himThe cold reality is that his Presidential Administration has been the only American to take any serious steps to mitigate the threat from an EMP attack.

For the sake of bipartisan objectivity it is important to note that the Obama Administration did investigate the need for protection from naturally occurring EMP threats like solar storms. The most well-known historical example being the Carrington Event of 1859But they ignored the man-made EMP threat. 

Then-President Trump’s call for EMP security was manifested on March 26, 2019 in the form of Executive Order (E.O.) 13865. E.O. E.O. Section 3. “Policy,” It is divided as follows:

“To implement the actions directed in this order, the Federal Government shall promote collaboration and facilitate information sharing, including the sharing of threat and vulnerability assessments, among executive departments and agencies (agencies), the owners and operators of critical infrastructure, and other relevant stakeholders, as appropriate. The Federal Government shall also provide incentives, as appropriate, to private-sector partners to encourage innovation that strengthens critical infrastructure against the effects of EMPs through the development and implementation of best practices, regulations, and appropriate guidance.”

… And the Biden Administration Does Nothing

What has the Biden Administration done to combat EMP since it took power in the White House

As I noted in an article I was a writer for The Daily Torch (the online newsletter from Americans For Limited Government), back in December 2021. Joe Biden, his cronies, and I have done nothing but squat.

As the late great Dr. Pry told me – among other things omitted herein due to spatial limitations – via email whilst I was conducting research for that op-ed piece: 

“Chris—Biden has continued Trump’s ‘Executive Order Coordinating National Resilience Against Electromagnetic Pulses’ but suspended ‘Securing the United States Bulk Power System’ so the U.S. continues importing EHV transformers from China, making the U.S. potentially more vulnerable to EMP and cyber-attacks. The Infrastructure Bill has millions for additional studies on how to protect electric grids and other critical infrastructures from EMP, but not a penny to actually harden any of the critical infrastructures.”

Why I Want EMP Security

When a friend introduced me to EMP threat, it was around 2009. William Forstchen’s bestselling novel One Second After. Nine years later, I finally read that book. It scared me. F

It was straight forward to the following year when I took Dr. Ed Locke’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction and the New Terrorism” Course as part of my online Masters in Intelligence Studies concentration in Terrorism Studies degree program American Military University (AMU)I chose to research EMP terrorism. (Peter Pry was a wonderful resource for that work as well; it’s how I made his acquaintance in the first place). 

While researching the paper, I found out that Iran, Russia, China and China all have EMP strikes capabilities against America as part of their war planning. I also realized how detrimental a successful strike could have on me personally.

My current disability rating is 90 percent from the Veterans Administration. To avoid going into too much detail about me medically, suffice to say that the one thing that earned me this rating was my condition. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It flares up from time to time, sometimes three- to four times per year. Three times in my life – including within the past month – it has manifested as full-blown pneumonia.

If our modern society is destroyed by an EMP attack and all of its functions cease to exist, any episode of pneumonia I have would likely result in my death. The reason for this would be that (1) the pharmaceutical companies producing the required medicinal treatments, (2) the highway infrastructure necessary to transport them, and (3) the medical facilities that I would receive such treatment would be completely non-functional.

This makes me resentful for the Biden Administration’s refusal to do anything to stop EMP. 

Christian D. Orr, a former Air Force Security Forces officer and Federal law enforcement officer as well as a private military contractor, has served assignments in Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, Kosovo and Japan, Germany and the Pentagon. Chris has a B.A. The University of Southern California (USC), holds a B.A. in International Relations and an M.A. American Military University (AMU) in Intelligence Studies (concentration In Terrorism Studies). He was also published in The Daily Torch The Journal of Intelligence and Cyber Security. Last, but not least: he is a Companion of the order of the Naval Order of the United States (NOUS). In his spare time, he likes to shoot, dine out, cigars. If you’d like to pick his brain in-person about his writings, chances are you’ll be able to find him at the Green Turtle Pasadena In Maryland, Friday night singing his favorite karaoke tracks.

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