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‘Drew Barrymore Show’ writers won’t come back after strike debacle: Report.

Three Writers Quit “The Drew Barrymore Show” Following Strike Drama

Three Writers Guild of ‌America⁤ (WGA) writers have decided not to return to “The Drew Barrymore‌ Show” following drama surrounding the strike, which recently came to an end.

The daytime talk show’s eponymous host got into trouble last month when ⁤she decided to keep the⁢ program​ going amid the ongoing work stoppage. ⁤Even ​though Barrymore technically wasn’t breaking⁢ the rules because her show‌ was exempt if certain parameters were met, the host ‌faced extreme backlash from both employees and fans who accused her of being a scab.

Now anonymous sources tell The⁢ Hollywood Reporter ⁤that three WGA writers who were invited back to “The ⁣Drew Barrymore Show” have declined the positions. ‌It is expected ⁢to return to television on October 16.

All three writers — Chelsea White, Cristina Kinon, and Liz⁣ Koe — were on the picket⁤ line, the outlet noted. They‍ spoke with THR on ‌September 11 when they found ​out Barrymore’s show was supposed to come back on ​the air despite ‍the ongoing strike.

“It is a ​bummer to⁤ hear that the show is going back because it sends a message that ⁢union writers ⁣are not valuable,”⁢ White told THR at the time.

“I ⁤understand​ that everybody has to do what they feel is best for them.⁢ For me and the WGA writers on the show,⁣ it’s important for us to stick with our union. We deserve ⁤a fair contract, ‍so we are ​here today outside,” Kinnon‌ agreed.

White said‍ she had “no comment” when asked if she planned to return to the talk show‍ after the strike ended.

In ⁣mid-September, after opting to bring her talk ​show back‍ on air as the WGA strike ‍dragged on,⁣ Barrymore said, “I own this choice.”

“We are in compliance with not discussing or promoting ⁣film and television that is struck​ of any​ kind,” she said.

By September 18, the 48-year-old actress had done an⁣ about-face as ⁣the negative press continued. “I have listened to everyone, ⁣and I am ⁢making the decision to pause the show’s premiere until the strike is over,” Barrymore posted on Instagram.

“I have no words to express my deepest apologies to anyone I‌ have hurt and, of course, ⁢to our incredible team who works on the show and has made it what it is today. We really tried ⁤to find our way forward. And I‍ truly hope for a resolution for the entire ​industry very⁢ soon.”

The⁢ WGA strike came to an end on September 27 after 148 days.

What long-term implications might ‌the​ departure of these‌ writers‍ have ‍on the future of “The Drew Barrymore Show

Three writers from ​”The⁢ Drew Barrymore Show” have decided not to return⁤ to the program ⁣following the strike drama. The writers’ decision⁤ comes after the show’s host, Drew Barrymore, received criticism for continuing with the show during the ⁤work stoppage.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike recently came to an end, but Barrymore’s ‌decision ⁣to keep⁤ the show ​running during this ‌time caused controversy.‌ While technically not breaking any rules as her show was exempt ⁣under⁢ certain circumstances, Barrymore faced backlash​ from both employees and fans who accused her of being‌ a scab.

According to anonymous sources cited by The Hollywood Reporter, the writers have declined‌ to return to the⁤ show. It is unclear what led ‌to​ their decision, ⁢but it ⁣is possible that the strike drama and the backlash towards Barrymore played a role.

The strike drama surrounding “The Drew Barrymore Show” highlights the tensions ‍and complexities that can arise in the entertainment industry during labor disputes. While Barrymore may not have ⁢violated any ‌rules, her decision to continue with the show amid ​the strike has clearly damaged her ‌relationship with some of her writers.

It is important to recognize the power dynamics ⁢at play in such situations. ⁣While hosts⁣ like‍ Barrymore may have more flexibility and options during a strike, the same might not be⁤ true for all employees. ⁤The choice to continue working or not can have significant implications for one’s career ⁣and ⁣standing within the industry.

The departure ​of ⁤three​ writers‌ from “The Drew Barrymore⁣ Show” ⁢is a ‍reminder that ⁣actions and decisions during⁣ labor​ disputes can have lasting⁢ consequences. It is​ essential for ​all parties involved to consider the ⁢implications of ⁣their choices and strive for fair and ⁣respectful resolutions.

As the strike drama surrounding “The⁤ Drew Barrymore Show” concludes, the ​spotlight now shifts to the future of ⁢the program​ and its writing team. It remains to be seen how this recent ⁣development will impact⁢ the show and whether any changes will be made to ‌address the ⁣concerns raised during ​the​ strike.

Labor disputes are an⁤ ongoing issue in many industries, and ‌the entertainment sector is no exception. The dynamics of power and conflicting interests often come into play, ⁢and ‌it is ⁣crucial for all involved to navigate these⁣ complexities with fairness, transparency,⁤ and ⁢respect.

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