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Dr. Joseph Varon discusses COVID censorship and his treatment protocol’s success.

A Texas doctor utilizing ivermectin and an innovative treatment‍ protocol to combat COVID-19 faced‍ censorship and daily death threats due to his groundbreaking work.

Meet Dr. Joseph Varon

Dr. Joseph Varon, a ‍professor of⁣ medicine at the University of Houston and a founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care⁤ Alliance ⁣(FLCCC), dedicated 715 consecutive days to treating patients at Houston’s ‍United ‍Memorial Medical Center. Despite facing opposition and a lack of support from other ⁤doctors, Dr. Varon persisted in implementing FLCCC’s protocol, which resulted in the lowest mortality rate in the country at‍ just 4⁤ percent.

Despite his success, Dr.⁤ Varon experienced‍ repeated⁤ censorship, with his work being ignored by ⁣the national media and medical community. He believes that many lives could have been saved if his findings had ⁢not been suppressed.

FLCCC’s ⁤treatment approach, known as the MATH+ protocol, involved the use of cortisol, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin. Despite its ⁢success, this protocol was largely ignored by the media ​and medical community.

Driven by desperation and the need to save lives, Dr. Varon and his colleague Dr. Paul ‌Marik ​developed the protocol and formed the FLCCC alliance. Their efforts yielded remarkable‍ results.

Dr.⁣ Varon’s experience with traditional COVID treatments such as remdesivir and ventilators was disheartening. These ​interventions proved ineffective,⁣ prompting him to explore alternative approaches.

Recognizing the high mortality⁤ rate associated with ventilator use, Dr. Varon devised innovative techniques to improve patients’ breathing. Additionally,⁤ the MATH+ protocol, combined with attentive nursing and‍ physician care, led to incredible improvements in patient ​outcomes.

The MATH+ Protocol

The MATH+ protocol, developed by Dr. Varon and his team, ‍consists of a combination of medications and therapies:

  • M: A cortisol agent
  • A: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • T: Thiamine (essential vitamin)
  • H:​ Heparin (blood thinner)
  • +:⁢ Additional agents, including ivermectin

Patients treated with the MATH+ protocol experienced remarkable improvements, highlighting the importance ⁤of comprehensive care.

Dr. Varon’s dedication to his patients was ⁢unwavering. He worked tirelessly for 715 consecutive days in the COVID unit, as no other​ doctors​ were ‌willing to join him.

Life After COVID

Eventually, the number of COVID cases decreased,‌ and ⁣the hospital where Dr. Varon worked closed ‍due to accreditation issues. Despite the ‌challenges, Dr. Varon ​continues​ to provide care to patients ⁢in his ​office,‌ focusing on acute COVID, long COVID, and ⁤vaccine-related injuries.

FLCCC has also⁢ shifted its focus to prevention, ​recognizing the ⁤importance of vitamin D levels⁢ in combating COVID. Dr. Varon emphasizes the need for adequate ⁢vitamin ‌intake and sun exposure to bolster overall health⁢ and prevent various illnesses.

Dr. Varon’s ‌experiences during the pandemic inspired him to write a book, “The Adventures ⁢of a COVID Hunter,” which sheds light on ⁣the realities of working in the COVID unit. The book includes heartwarming stories of patients celebrating special occasions, such as⁣ birthdays, within the hospital.

Support and Criticism

Throughout his journey, Dr. Varon ⁢faced both support and criticism. ‌He remained committed to providing the best‌ care possible, regardless​ of political⁤ or ideological pressures.

Despite receiving death threats and enduring ⁢personal attacks, Dr. Varon persevered, determined to save lives and share his findings. His dedication to his patients and unwavering pursuit of truth are a testament to ​his character.

⁢How does Heparin reduce the risk of blood clots in COVID-19 patients

L, which helps reduce inflammation and cytokine storm ‌in COVID-19 patients.

  • A:​ Aspirin, which prevents blood clot formation.
  • T: Thrombosis⁢ prophylaxis, which prevents blood clots.
  • H: Heparin, an anticoagulant that reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • +: Additional therapies as needed,‌ such as vitamin C and vitamin D supplementation.
  • This comprehensive ⁤approach addresses the various ⁢aspects of COVID-19, including inflammation, clotting, and immune response. Dr. Varon’s success with the MATH+ protocol showcases ‌the potential of combining multiple interventions to treat COVID-19 effectively.

    Despite the success and recognition gained by Dr. ⁤Varon’s approach, he faced significant opposition and censorship. His findings ‍were ​largely ⁤disregarded and suppressed ⁣by mainstream media and ⁣the medical community

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